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Jackson Kirkland
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
28,9 cm sycamore wood and jackalope antler
Name: Jackson Kirkland
Nickname(s): " just Jackson please..."
Age: 11
Height: 5'6
Sign: Sagittarius
Birthday: December 20, 2008


Positive: Intelligent, Quick-witted, Level-headed
Neutral: Calculating, Calm, Cautious
Negative: Shy, Un-trusting, Stand-offish

Jackson is around 5'6, having his father's tall genes, with unruly auburn hair. He never cared to brush it, for it would always be messed up when he was out at sea. His large, round glasses are usually present, for if they weren't he would be as blind as a bat. Usually seen in large sweaters and jeans underneath his robes, but sometimes will switch his over-sized sweaters out for a simple collared shirt and jean jacket. He is very hard to spot in a crowd, seeing as he hates them and will try and get out of the crowd as fast as he possibly can.

Jackson is a very quiet person, usually staying away from crowds. He can usually be found in the library or down by the lake, sketching different wild-life or people. He has a passion for art, sailing and, for some reason, gardening. Although he usually keeps to himself, if you gain his friendship, he will stick with you, supporting you the whole way through.

Jackson grew up in the English countryside as a child, but had to move to London because of his fathers job. He and his father moved into a small apartment near the port, meaning Jackson spent most of his summers out on the water, helping out on ships so he could earn some money. It was tedious for a child, but he loved sailing and being out on the water.

He had grown up around his fathers magic, and wasn't a stranger to it, but his first sign of magic abilities were shown at the age of 10. He and his father were on a schooner trying to make some extra cash, when a storm hit. The waves grew larger and larger, almost tipping the boat over. As a large wave advanced on the ship, Jackson raised both hands towards the wave, yelling " Stop!" Astonishingly, the ocean actually calmed down, meaning that Jackson had saved the whole ship. The next year, he got his acceptance letter to Hogwarts, and was ecstatic.

• Food: Strawberry Tarts
• Drink: Peach Iced Tea
• Candy: Salt Water Taffy
• Book: Fantastic Beasts and Were To Find Them
• Music Genre: 'Lofi'