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Mattathias Jermaine
London, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
30,7 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Intelligent | Shy | Analytical | Loyal | Fighter


Mattathias is a slightly-taller-than-average boy at five feet and one half an inch tall. He's got dark black hair and brownish-red eyes, as well as pale skin from sitting inside and drawing and studying all the time, pale enough that he looked darned near albino. He has a pair of silvery spectacles that he has to wear to read and wears most of the time anyways so that his eyeballs function, and he always keeps them on a black string so that they don't hit the ground when they fall off his face (he had it knocked off and broken one too many times). His demeanor is a reserved, quiet, and somewhat fidgety one--he tends to keep to himself and is rather nervous about approaching people. He's never seen without his satchel that holds his pencils, sketchbook, notebook, and at least one book for reading.

When not in class or wearing his Hogwarts robes, he's usually found in simple jeans, a t-shirt denoting one fandom or another (often a black tee with the bright red symbol of World of Warcraft's Horde on it), simple, dark sneakers, and, of course, his satchel.

Mini Backstory

Born and raised in London, Mattathias' personality can be described in a few simple words: shy, intelligent, and artistic. He is reserved but if he decides to open his mouth, he often has quite a lot to say, although he prefers his sketchbook to people. He's not the most outgoing or courageous of souls and picks his battles quite carefully. In spite of this, he is certainly not beyond fighting if he's pushed far enough, and he's a surprisingly scrappy fellow. Nor is this to say that he will always follow every rule--if there's knowledge to be gained, he just may sneak around a bit. Getting caught simply isn't an option in this case.

He doesn't look like anything impressive for a boy his age, and his words are, of course, colored by a British lilt. He lives alone with his muggle father (technically stepfather, but Matt doesn't see him that way) Eamon, ever since he got custody. He's only eleven right now, but as he gets older, the fact that he's gay will probably become relevant. Both his parents are muggles so he's just pushing his way through figuring out this "magic" stuff the best that he can with books and his dad.

He's eager to be in Hogwarts, though. Fantasy has been something that's intrigued him every since he was a little kid (he's always read a lot and he's a complete D&D nerd) and the fact that it's real is fascinating and exciting to him. He's a bit afraid--he doesn't know anyone, isn't from a family that has ever had any wizards, and isn't naturally the most socially skilled--but the prospect of becoming a part of this world is definitely his top priority. He has a particular interest in mythical beasts.

His magic first showed itself a couple years ago. He'd just moved to a new part of town with his father for a variety of reasons--the primary two being issues with his mother and the fact that bullies were getting a bit out of hand at his old school--and got lost on his way home from school. He got caught in the dark and was crossing the street when a car came around the corner. One second, he was staring at the headlights in utter shock, and the next he was on the sidewalk, confused and still very much alive and uninjured.