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Alex Denver
Orinda, England
First year, Hufflepuff
34,1 cm hornbeam wood and phoenix feather
My name is Alex Denver. I am smart, kind, and funny. I have always lived in England. I am muggle-born, so Hogwarts is an interesting topic to me. My Magic first appeared when I was seven years old. I couldn’t reach a toy on the top shelf, and suddenly, it levitated down to me. When an owl came in on my eleventh birthday, it scared me, but I was so happy to find out I was a witch. I have no siblings and neither of my parents are magic, so it took a while to figure out how to get to Diagon Alley. I have pale skin, blonde hair, and brown eyes. My eyes came from my dad, while my hair came from my mum. My full name is Alexandra Denver, but I only go by Alex. My parents were very hesitant to send me to Hogwarts, but I don’t have very many friends and they thought it would be a great experience for me. I have never been away from home for even a week before, so this is a bit scary. I love reading, and I’ve read many books about magic and wizards, but I never expected I would be a witch! It took a long time to get my wand, but I think the one I ended up with is pretty cool.