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Viola Candlelight
Windsor, England
Second year, Gryffindor
23,5 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair

Viola is a standard sized young girl, with long legs. Her skin tone is a light warm brown, and her hair is black, big and curly. Her eyes are light brown, and her nose is small and cute. She has a small birthmark on her right hand, which kinda resembles a candlelight.


Viola is almost always happy and ready with a witty remark. She likes to make people laugh and loves to pull harmless pranks on everyone, sometimes causing more problems than intended. She is energetic and always in the middle of something, you'll most likely never see her sitting still, since she always have to be doing something. She is definitely not shy, and always ready to make new friends, though she can sometimes come across as to eager. She can have trouble concentrating on something for to long, before her mind wonders of to new crazy ideas.


Viola's parents are both wizards who attended Hogwarts once upon a time, so she was introduced to magic since she was little. She is an only child, though it didn't always feel like it, since her house, always ended up being the center of attention, for all the kids in the neighbor hood. Viola had always had many friends, and while she was playing around with 3 of them at the local park, she experienced magic for the first time while playing hide and seek. She was hiding behind a tree with a young boy when the neighbor hood bully showed up and made fun of him. Viola wanting to stand up for her friend, accidentally turn the bully's hair purple, which made him run home ashamed. Since then she has never experienced magic. This was a year before she received her letter from Hogwarts.