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Clara Miror
Teesside, England
First year, Hufflepuff
20,3 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Clara lives happily with her younger sister, older brother, and father in the wizard community. Her mother, however, sadly passed away when she was 9. She is very protective of her friends and family and loves to make them laugh. She is outgoing, funny, and generally well liked. She has chestnut brown hair and freckles all over her face. She loves to read and write but is a chronic procrastinator. She often overs thinks and worries too much over the little things. She is very self conscious about what others think of her and tries to make sure she is in good standing with everyone. Although shy at first, once you get to know her she is a bundle of energy and fun. She often wears baggy shirts and jackets and tugs on the sleeves when she’s nervous. She’s often caught day dreaming or doing her own writing in class but maintains good grades. She tries to help others in any way that she can and is always there to be a shoulder to cry on. Although her whole family is pure blood, she doesn’t think blood status matters and would have gladly worn a SPEW badge from Hermione Granger. She is fascinated by everyone and everything and simply wants to take all of this magical world in and experience it all.