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Adamina Scasson
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
28,6 cm reed wood and thunderbird tail feather
Adamina Taylor Scasson, Gryffindor
Adamina has always been a student of everything she could reach. If she doesn't know something, she soon will. She started at a young age, quickly reading through every book in her elementary school's library, and soon reaching for more adult books before the time she hit double digits. She has acquired quite an extensive vocabulary, and a quite keen eye for noticing details, especially after reading a few books about body language, and how the body betrays what a person truly thinks. She isn't much of a creative but is quite a scholar.

When she was young, teachers, students, and parents alike praised her for her intellect, causing quite a superiority complex to emerge out of the girl, even when she was young. She quickly went against the typical personality in her family - kind, welcoming, and humble. Her fellow students quickly grew to hate her for it, not that she minded much. She knew her capabilities and considered her own far superior to others, so teasing, shunning, and pranks didn't reach her the same way it did others. Now, in the wizarding world, she keeps up the cocky attitude, if only to intimidate her peers who she knows contain more information on the wizarding world than her, as she was raised a Muggle in a wizarding household.


For all of her overconfidence and intelligence, their is a reason she was placed in Gryffindor, home of the brave. She isn't your typical bravery, however. She's a firm believer in the fact that there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy. And if anyone were to consider themselves intelligent, it would be her. Her bravery is more calculated - sizing up a situation and determining the best path of action. Even if she knows that the probability of success is low, she'll still jump into a situation with the best possible plan.