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Trinity Eucliffe
Edinburgh, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
30,6 cm cherry wood and thestral tail hair
Trinity, or with her most commonly known nickname "Rin", is an 11 year old little witch who was born to pure-blood Lysander Eucliffe and muggle-born Yukino Eucliffe (née Agria) on 7th July, 2008. She has inherited both her blond hair and green eyes from her father's side of the family while her skin color is from her mother's side. She is fairly thin and, in her own words, has "weird eating habits", which consists of vegetables and fruits (strawberries, period) and on occasion, chicken meat.
Rin grew up in a loving family household, being the first child of the couple, she was pampered not only by her father (her mother is more on the strict side) but by her parents' close friend circle too. When she was seven years old, she was blessed by twin siblings, a sister named Aurora (she named her sister herself after the Disney princess) and a brother named Haku. Rin never got to know her grandparents. Lysander's parents were murdered during the rise of Voldemort and he was later adopted by an aging wizard, who also lost his life in the Battle of Hogwarts while saving his adopted son from an oncoming attack. On the other hand, Yukino wiped her parents' memories when she was 17 because they were abusive towards her and her older sister, but mainly her.
Her father and mother are both noteable wizards in their own area of expertise, with her mom being a healer in St. Mungo's and her dad being an Auror. Two events from her childhood, aside from the birth of her siblings of course, are lodged indefinitely into the young girl's mind, one funny and the other scary. The funny one was when she was six and just learned that she was going to become a big sister. It was also the time when her magic powers first resurfaced. The young girl was so excited when she got the news that she was jumping up and down, but suddenly she shot up high into the sky. Her landing was very smooth, though. Her parents celebrated this by throwing her a big party that evening. The scary event was that when three dark wizards cornered her father and the ensuing duel left Lysander in a coma for two weeks while Rin was ten.
Rin has a cheerful, happy-go-round personality and loves to enjoy every aspect of life to the most, just like children her age. She also has a mischievous side and enjoy pulling pranks to other people. She is very fond of and loyal her family, and wouldn't hesitate to do anything and everything for them. The incident with his dad a year before she came to Hogwarts served to harden her determination to protect good people and to stand up against evil and injustice. It cannot be said that she has a good judgement, though, and she can be pretty prejudiced. She is known to hold strong grudges and very rarely lets go of a situation if she stubbornly believes something. All in all, it can be said that her angelic looks is mostly just a ruse hiding the little monster inside of her.