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Luke Hewitt
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
24,1 cm walnut wood and troll whisker
Luke's demeanor is sometimes odd to those who don't know him personally. He is shy around people he doesn't know and sometimes can seem hostile to others. However, Luke is truly an upbeat person with those who take the time to know him fully. He enjoys using his brain to solve problems instead of force and violence. Furthermore, Luke likes being upfront with people as it tends, more often than not, to get to the root of the problem quicker. He is openly gay and his family/friends support him regardless. In his free time, Luke enjoys reading and the exploring world around him. Luke is 5'5 ft tall with green hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. As a child, his mother accidentally turned his hair green with a spell. Since she passed away when he was 7, Luke has dyed his hair green in memory of her. His mother, Rebecca Shine-Hewitt, was a pure-blood who worked in the Ministry of Magic. His father, John Hewitt, works as a dentist in London. Despite his lack of magic, John attempts to be involved in his son's life and they are very close. Luke's magic first surfaced when his mother passed, at her funeral he unintentionally made the grass spout small flowers near her grave.