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Jack Burnett
08 Apr 2008
Cardiff, Wales
Sixth year, Slytherin
23,5 cm mayhaw wood and snallygaster heartstring ... y=lossless

If you'd like to roleplay with Jack Burnett, you've come to the right place.
Below is some information to get you started.
If you want to find out even more about him, please go to his encyclopedia page linked above.

Discord: Kitomyx

Current Plot Ideas:
  • Frienemies - Due to his extreme aversion to making friends and caring about others in general, Jack enjoys making connections as much as anyone else, but much prefers that people hate him rather than like him. For this reason, he often comes off as a jerk in order to encourage others' dislike of him. If you'd care to be a frienemy to him (or even just plain enemy), feel free to plot with me!
  • Clever Pranks - You can have a prank pulled on you, try to pull a prank on Jack (if you're clever enough), or try to pull one with him on someone else. The possibilities are endless! Jack is always happy to come up with pranks, so if you just want some advice from him, he'd be glad to give that, too...for a price.
  • Deep Discussions - Jack loves to talk. And argue. Maybe a little too much. Still, if you can twist his words like he twists others', poke holes in his faulty logic, call him out on his bs, and overall beat him at his own game, you may just get him to shut up and respect you. Perhaps even admire you.
  • Trading Favors - This Slytherin doesn't mind being used as long as the person using him allows him to use them in return. Furthermore, if anyone does him a favor, it his own personal policy to repay the debt even if the other party doesn't deem it neceesary. Repaying his favors is very important to Jack because he hates to be indebted to anyone.
Goes By: Burnett (preferred), Jack (disliked), Fox (by Selim Faust, Arlo Reynolds, Thomas Lestrange, and Ruby Cazares, but Thomas has specifically taken to calling him 'Chatter Fox' or 'Foxy')
(Also called 'demon' by Persephone Barret, 'Demon Brat' by Rafael D'Spacito, & 'imp' by Hanako Tone, but only in their heads; not to his face)

Common Places To Roleplay: Pretty much anywhere. He likes exploring, so if you have a place you'd like him to be, just let me know and I can come up with a reason for him to be there.

Quirks and Tendencies:
  • Claims to never tell lies because 'lying is too easy' and requires no intelligence - unlike loopholes, omission, and subterfuge.
  • Prefers to bend rules rather than break them for the same reason he doesn't like lying - it takes skill to bend, but not to break.
  • Calls people by their last name, but if he doesn't know their last name, will call them by their house's animal mascot
  • Makes a show of slacking off and fooling around in class to seem like he doesn't care, but works hard on his studies outside of class to stay ahead of his peers
Strong Likes:
  • Cleverness
  • Moral ambiguity
  • Tricksters
  • Having his expectations of others exceeded
  • Being proven wrong
Strong Dislikes:
  • Liars
  • Kindness
  • Stupidity
  • Caring about others
  • Not being in control of his emotions
Strongest Inclination to Discuss:
  • Tricksters (the Trickster character archtype, stories involving tricksters, etc.)
  • Pranks (setting them up, people to prank, what makes a clever prank, etc.)
  • Cleverness (how bending rules is better than breaking them; how subterfuge, loopholes, and omission is better than the easy, boring act of lying, etc.)
  • Morality (moral ambiguity, amoral beings, how nothing is simple enough to be split between right and wrong, etc.)
  • Why friendship and other kinds of bonds and relationships are detrimental to one's health
  • Why kindness is the most dangerous weapon
  • History (his favorite school subject, though he doesn't like people to know he studies hard, let alone had a favorite subject)

**Hio Character Name:** Jack Burnett
**Hio Character Pronouns:** He/Him
**iNPC Name:** Ginyami "Yami" Midorimori
**iNPC Pronouns:** He/Him
**Character Age:** 16...?
- Jack likes talking; mostly to argue and piss people off. He also likes turning into a fox and just generally causing mischief and chaos all around because he idolizes tricksters and wants to be like them.
- Ginyami enjoys being friendly with people and making connections with those who might help him to succeed in life.
- Both are a little mentally broken at the moment, enjoy acting arrogant/condescending, and are on the verge of undergoing villainous arcs. ~~Someone save them please.~~
- Even though both of my characters enjoy browbeating people and talking them into the ground, attempting to prove their superiority by value of higher intellect, they also both highly respect and admire others who can beat them at their own games and prove themselves to be smarter than they are in any way.
- Their logic and arguments also always have plenty of fallacies and holes in them for people to exploit if they look hard enough (since they often bs their words when they think others too inferior to notice) so they're easier to see through and prove wrong than they might initially seem.
**Random Fact About Your Character(s):**
- They are both very proud young men but will also go out of their way to make others underestimate them.
- However, Jack is the opposite of Ginyami in that he fears making friends, so will do all he can to push people away and deter them from wanting to befriend him, including being condescending, rude, annoying, and even angering them enough to make them hate him and call him their enemy. In truth, however, Jack is very lonely and actually considerate of others. He believes friendship is dangerous for all parties involved, so he doesn't want anything to do with it and doesn't think others should, either. So no matter how much he might want to be friends or make friends, he won't in order to spare both himself and other people. Since he overcame his insecurities during his younger years at Hogwarts only to have his greatest fears come true later when his friends died or left him, he is not in a very good mental place at the moment and is harder to befriend than ever.
- Ginyami is the opposite of Jack in that he will go out of his way to make what he calls friends, but that doesn't necessarily mean he actually thinks of them as such. He will get to know others and kiss up to them in order to further his own ambitions and ulterior motives. If he has nothing to gain from someone, he is more likely to show his true colors to them, but usually through passive aggression rather than outright malice and dislike. Otherwise, he is generally very polite, cordial, and well-spoken - the perfect outward picture of a Japanese pureblood from Mahoutokoro. One might have a hard time being able to tell how selfish, possessive, jealous, and hateful he is inside, especially being a purist and a racist. That doesn't necessarily mean he's *all* bad, though. He's just in a very dark place at the moment.