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Alexia Moriale
Amelie, England
First year, Hufflepuff
23,4 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Alexia is smart. Sometimes so smart it gets even the slightest bit annoying. She’s bright and creative on the art side.
Though she suffers from anxiety. It’s been hard on her of course but she’s improving. She absolutely doesn’t fancy interaction with people other than her family. But, she’s making progress.

She has silvery-white, which sticks her out like a sore thumb. But, she believes it’s like that for a strange reason. Though it most likely isn’t.

She has greenish-brownish eyes, and almost unnaturally pale skin.

Alexia has grown up in a life surrounded by magic. Always taught certain spells, told magical stories, and her parents of course, have taught her all of this.
She is, unfortunately, adopted. No origin, no idea of her previous background. But her parents proudly took her in.
Being raised in a wizarding family has been quite the trip for her and she’s loved every second of it..
What’s not to love about living with six siblings?
Anyway, Hogwarts has always been present, so has the anticipation of her letter which thankfully came.

She’s a bright one, yes. She’s always focusing on studying certain spells, herbs, even dreaming about what her patronus is (which she is sure is a dove). She is the eldest, strangely enough.
She hopes one day to find her drive, to know what she would give to the world.
Because she sure doesn’t know.