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Annie White
newyork, England
First year, Hufflepuff
35,1 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
I am Annie White.I am entering my  first year at hogwarts with my best friend!I am really nervous for what house I will get sorted into!I hope HufflePuff or RavenClaw.I wish that first years played Quidditch I really wanna be team captain or...Chaser.I dont know if she has any secrets if she does tell me soon!I will be in diagon alley or London getting my first year supplies!I am nervous for our classes I wonder who our teachers are!I really wanna get into the house of HufflePuff .I love all sweets and love the smell of finished homework!I am really nervous for my first year.I LOVE reading and am excited to learn about wizard spell potions and charms!I am also ready to dive into the library and read many books.I look up to my family and am super excited to read books they read!At Hogwarts I am excited to see the magical place of:Hogsmeade.I am soooo excited to explore it
.I hope you have a good time at hogwarts.By the way I wear white shoes with Pikachu on them with white pants that have pink dots on them and a rainbow shirt gloves and jacket.I also wear a pink hat.I am super ready to get sorted.I am an Introvert which means I have trouble making friends so I dont have alot.I also am really kind.My parents are Muggles.Their names are Jake and Sarah.They are sorta nice.My first underage wandless wizard accident was when I made a lamp glow and then shrink really small
!I live somewhere in England on some street I never was told it!My parents were nice but gave me not many hugs.