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Elijah Knapp
Wizard born
Bristol, England
First year, Gryffindor
25,5 cm acacia wood and dragon heartstring

Age: 11

Appearance: Eli has dark blond hair and brown eyes. His nose and cheeks are covered with freckles. He is an average height. He usually wears his favorite red converse shoes to any occasion.

Personality: Elijah can appear shy and quiet when around strangers; he likes to observe and get to know his surroundings before he opens up, but when he does, he can get pretty talkative and even loud. He's friendly and willing to do a lot for his friends. Once, he jumped over a fence into a creepy neighbor's yard just to get a toy bludger for his friend. Elijah grew up mostly around muggles, so he is curious and open minded about various things unknown to him. He is expressive and will let everyone know how he is feeling.

Background: Eli grew up with his mother in an area mostly populated by muggles, resulting in him being very knowledgeable about muggle world and less about magical. While he was aware of who he was and magic was used daily in his household, he didn't get to meet other wizards or experience magical world to the fullest. His father left him and his mother as soon as he learnt that his mother was pregnant with Eli, and it caused the two of them to struggle to make the ends meet at first, Eli never felt like he needed a father in his life.

When Eli was 7, he learnt he will not be allowed to go to a muggle school. This caused him and his mother to argue for several weeks and to this day it is a difficult thing for Eli to accept. After all, this made him lose some friends as they thought he was weird or simply too stupid for school. In fact, this was the time Eli had his first accidental magic.

No matter how hard he tried to prove his mother that the muggle school was a better option, she was only telling him to be patient and understanding as a response. This made Eli furious. Being an expressive personality he is, he screamed how no one understands and that he hates his mother and on these words, the window of the kitchen they were arguing in shattered. A moment of silence followed as they both, confused and frightened, looked around. Eventually, his mother realized that it wasn't someone or something else that was the cause of the shattered window, but it was Eli's magic bursting out in a fit of anger. She approached him and hugged him tightly. "You belong there, Elijah." She said. All Eli could feel back then was confusion and fear.

Now, Eli gets angry every time he thinks about Hogwarts. He doesn't want to be there. He believes everything that is there is a reason why he cannot live a life he wants.