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Rose Elliot
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
27,6 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
Basic Information:
Name: Rose Elliot
Age: 11 y/o
Birthday: August 20, 2008 (Zodiac sign: Leo)
Characteristics: Red Hair, Irish and English decent, Fair skin, Green/brown eyes, round face, pointed nose, full hair, freckles
Personality: Bold, Strong headed, Creative, Accepting, Procrastinator, determined, Wild, Reckless (sometimes to a fault)

Rose is a boisterous, bold, empathetic, creative, and very strongminded young girl. She has always had a love for books, reading, and dreaming, but has never been a fan of actually going to school, sudying, or tying very hard in classes, especially if she doesnt like them. She typically spends her time in the back of the classroom, talking to her friends, joking around, or complaining about the teacher or homework. Rose still has much to discover about herself, her strengths, and her weaknesses. However, at the bottom line, Rose is a girl who knows, above all else, what she stands for, what she wants, and she is always ready to take care of the little guy.
Rose's most notable features would be her bright red hair, freckled face, and fair skin which are all sure signs of her irish decent. With a round face, and a pointed nose that her mother always referred to as 'cute', she has never much cared for her looks, but many people, wizards and muggles alike, have agreed that she is quite pretty. Rose has never been sure that she belives them, but she appreciates the compliments nontheless. Rose also sports greenish, brownish eyes that she thinks are her best feature.
Rose had a very good family life, growing up in the outskirts of London wither her father, a Potioneer, and her mother, and Editor. Rose had always taken a particular interest in her father's job, reading as much as she could about potions and asking her father as many quetsions as posible on the subject.
In her eyes, her life growing up was very prosaic, the most interesting thing to happen to her apart from getting in trouble for talking in class, telling off all-school-bullies, or talking back to teachers, being the discovery of her magical ability. Rose went to a muggle primary school, so when she accidentally wished a girl who had just stolen her lunch money into tripping over herslef, it was a bit of a surpise. Not to Rose, of course, but to the girl who swore that something pulled her legs right over the other. Rose, needless to say, was quite proud of herself, and very excited! She ran home the same day to enthusiastically inform her mother and father that she was showing signs of her magical ability. Rose's parents were xcited about this too, and soon Rose was accidnetally wishing things in her direction. Small things, of course, such as pencils, erasers, and hair ties. All of these things were good news for her though, because it menat she really would be attenting Hogwarts!
Now that Rose has recieved her Hogwarts acceptance letter, she is more than excited to attend school and learn as much as she possibly can!