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Casey Amristead
Inverness, Scotland
First year, Slytherin
31,3 cm hornbeam wood and unicorn hair
Born into a large and loving family, Casey was the eldest of two sisters and three brothers. She was originally born in Scotland, but moved with her family to Leeds, England once her mother received a job offer there.

As a child, Casey found herself rough housing and getting into trouble often, usually coming home from school with a few office referrals. She did try her best to lead an example for her siblings while being awfully rambunctious though, and acted as a mother figure to them while their mother was away working late nights. At school, she was known not only as being a rather wily child, but also as an intelligent, mature, and confident figure to her classmates. She'd often assume the role as the leader of sports teams, as well as take up the responsibility of being class representative when she could.

What the world didn't know about the Armistead's, however, was their affluent history of magic. Casey's father was always out of the house researching the history and origins of magical runes, while her mother exercised her magical prowess around the house to keep the children in line. For a long time, Casey guessed that'd she'd attend a school of magic like her parents wanted, and hoped she could excel in the new and strange environment of a wizarding school.

At first, though, Casey felt little in the ways of magic. While she was a rather bustling person, nothing extremely odd or out of the ordinary seemed to happen to her without explanation. Until the holidays came around, Casey was sure she wouldn't be a witch by any means.

But, during the Christmas season, her family on her mother's side came to visit. Casey had never liked her mother's family, as they were always getting into people's business apologetically. Once the family arrived, her mother's sister became hellbent on prying into Casey's social life, going as far as to ask her about boys she liked.

Ever since she was little, Casey despised any notions of romanticism, and the mere thought made her gag. So as her aunt began to push her buttons at every moment, she felt herself losing her cool. Her home was meant to be her only sanctuary; away from all the troubles school brought. Casey tried her best to deal with the constant nagging, but one night at the dinner table, the girl had her first real taste of magic.

"Oh, please do tell us dear, you must have some sort of crush at least!" Her aunt mused, shoveling turkey onto her plate. "Maybe it's one of those boys you always get into fights with, hm?"

At that notion, Casey found herself shouting, and much to her surprise, her aunt had been knocked from her chair! At first, silence clouded over the table, but Mrs. Amristead quickly got up to help her sister, excitedly fanning herself and muttering about "magical forces". Casey didn't really understand. What had happened? Did she do that herself? As a pure-blood, it was certainly possible..