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Rue Hamilton
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
23,1 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
Rue is a very creative child; she likes to paint and draw. Other than that, she's a very loyal and caring friend. She is very adventurous, but it's hard for her to make friends. Usually, everyone thinks she's unusual, though. She has a hard time finding the right words to say. She would often not be able to pay attention for a long time as a young child. She would be fidgety or not be able to wait for her turn. This led to her mother worrying that Rue had ADHD. They never actually got it tested, but her mother and herself always assumed that she had it. She has a chirping and dreamy voice. When she cries, she usually scream-cries. As for looks, she has a warm sepia skin tone; and rose undertones. She has black, medium-length, curly hair that's always in two spaced buns. She has dark brown eyes. She lived a typical wizard life up until her father left their family, and her mother could barely pay for one meal a day. So they decided to move to London in hopes of getting, at least, just enough money to get three meals a day. A month after Rue's Seventh birthday (and two months after they moved to London) when a muggle boy was making fun of her, and she accidentally made a bird poop on his head out of anger, her mother was thrilled. Rue was able to go to Hogwarts. When she turned 11 and got the acceptance letter, she went with her mother to get the supplies right away.