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Bri Briscoe
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,6 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Bri Briscoe had lived an average, non-magical life before getting her Hogwarts letter. She was shy, much preferring the world of books to the real one. Ironically enough her favorite genre was fantasy. She didn't have much when it came to friends, partly because of her shy nature partly because her love of books made it hard for her to be interested in the same things as her peers. Bri's parents, Linda and Devin, are both muggles and of course had never heard of the wizarding world before Bri got her letter, and thus were just as surprised as she was. Her only event of accidental magic was when she was crying after she had been bullied over her lack of friends, the bullies having not been able to talk until the next day. This of course only isolated her muggle classmates began to fear her. Bri had long blonde hair that went down just past her shoulders, which she got from her mum. From her dad she got her stormy gray eyes, which were her favorite part of her appearance. To her they looked mysterious, and were especially noticeable whenever she wore the colour blue, which also happened to be her favorite colour. She had been raised in London, making getting supplies for Hogwarts much easier. After waving a tearful goodbye to her parents Bri began to stoke herself for the biggest adventure of her life.