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Ramona Rodriguez
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
35,6 cm mayhaw wood and thestral tail hair
Personality (Blood status needs changing to PureBlood)
Ramona is very bold person and always tries to do what is right in every single situation. The girl never tends to take the easy road out, preferring to do things right the first time. She will make her own opinions and feelings towards not only the situations but also others very clear. She is rather intelligent, and normally takes to inspecting people before talking to them. Some might consider it a bit creepy, but hey. She’s got to know who she’s talking to before she even talks to them. She tends to do very well in her classes, although she doesn’t see her education as something that should take over her life and be her number one goal. Ramona is very good at making split second decisions. However, they could be bad or good. It really just depends. Either way, she can get the job done quickly and efficiently. When she does do really quick thinking however, she tends to put others before herself. Even if she hates them or they hate her. She is also very mischievous and loves to play pranks on anyone and everyone. She usually plays them on mean people however will also play them on people for fun. Ramona likes to surround herself with people that she trusts rather deeply, instead of surrounding herself with people to just be. Surrounded. By. People. She also however tends to like her solitude. If she can, she enjoys to let her hair down and have a bit of fun from time to time. However she might be embarrassed if someone that she knows finds her acting in such a way. She loves a good adventure along with the freedom to do what she wants. Not due to the fact that she simply wants to do what she wants, but simply because the girl hasn’t had many freedoms in her life. And takes them very seriously… not. Some might consider her crazy when she’s off in her own world of fun and mischief.

Ramona was born to a wealthy, Wizard father and a beautiful Witch mother. Her mother was a well known French lady from the Del' Vaine family. Her mother was one of the most beautiful ladies in France however she had an ugly heart. She was self centered, rude and incredibly selfish no matter what happened. Thankfully Ramona's father wasn't as bad. He taught her right from wrong, how to hold herself properly and even taught her about her history. They were incredibly close and loved each other dearly however..her mother grew jealous and bitter of the relationship and wanted a daughter to pamper. Every night her mother and father would try for a child but no results each time. Eventually her mother grew apart from them both, wanting nothing to do with them. Ramona first had an experience with magic when she was alone with her mother. They were once again arguing when suddenly everything in the room began to turn a bright and fluorescent green. Her mother was completely outraged and it took her the rest of the day to change them back. It wasn't until Ramona got her letter from Hogwarts, that she was truly proud of her daughter.
Even to this day, Ramona and her mother have a somewhat strained relationship but she knows she can count on her father.

