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Connor Kemp
London, England
First year, Slytherin
35,4 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
ENTP - 1st year - pureblood - born apr. 10th - 5"9 - holyhead harpies - potions

CONNOR KEMP was born in London, and he's lived there for all his life. Unfortunately. His mother is a ministry worker, and so is his father. Their titles are long, boring, and not anything Connor had ever bothered remembering. They lived in a nice house, full of clean lines and shiny countertops. Contrary to the traditional pureblood families, their home was modern and full of muggle technology, maybe just to spite the pureblood fanatics who looked down on the family.

Connor, obviously, didn’t care about blood status- his parents had made it clear that blood was meaningless from the beginning. As he grew, he came to the conclusion that his parents may have been anti-pureblood fanatics, but they acted just like a strict, traditional family would.

They had pressured Connor to be better since, well, forever, because they wanted to prove that they could be successful without being purebloods. While the idea was admirable, the delivery was… not. Connor was never good enough for them, and was being constantly pressured to be something better. This resulted in him hating his parents, and being incredibly thankful when he got his much-anticipated letter for Hogwarts.

Connor was expecting to be sorted into Slytherin almost instantly, and he knew his parents would freak when they found out. He couldn’t help it, though- his personality was almost a stereotype Slytherin’s. He’d always prided himself on being clever, along with being ambitious and a strong leader. The only thing was, he was horribly hot headed. That wasn’t really a Slytherin-like trait, as they tended to think things out before acting. Connor doubted that this would be his savior, however.

His first accidental magic happened when he was around seven. He was, as most seven year olds do, throwing a tantrum. His parents were frantically trying to hush him up in case the neighbors heard him crying, but to no avail. During this, the lights began to flicker and finally sputtered off. After a few moments, Connor let out another terrible scream, and the lights surged back on, a few bulbs breaking. His parents had been expecting this, and were too worried about what everyone would think when they saw this from outside to care.