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Jasmine L. Bennett
Southampton, England
First year, Gryffindor
28,7 cm ash wood and phoenix feather
--Physical Appearance--
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 98lbs
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Skin Color: Cocoa
Body Type: Slim / Slender
Markings / Tattoos: None

This story begins in the town of Southampton (Southampton is a port city on England’s south coast) with the rather unexpected birth of a baby girl to one such family; the Bennetts. Her arrival was nothing short of a miracle in the eyes of her immediate family, the middle-aged couple she had been born to have had no luck in making a child before despite their efforts. But now they were able to! Whilst Mrs. Bennett was a Pure-Blood Wizard, Mr. Bennett was only a Half-Blood so the notion of a Pure-Blood loving him and giving him the time of day was a big deal, apparently.
Jasmine Lowe Bennett was only one of the two children graced to the entirety of the Bennett family. There was some degree of disappointment from her parents when she turned out to be a girl; and rightly so, for who would then carry on the family name? The other child was nearing adulthood but had far too many mental issues to even be considered as heir. But they still rejoiced the birth of the child, more overwhelmed with the relief that they would have a child at all than they were with the mild disappointment that it wouldn't be a proper male heir to the family.

Jasmine was raised in the lap of luxury, her every need catered to. Fine clothing, expensive gifts, private tutors, all were within her grasp, and all were exploited to the fullest. Her only responsibilities were to lean enough etiquette and courtly mannerisms to make her family proud and to be diligent in her studies to sharpen her mind. Much as it might have seemed though, she wasn't being groomed for a position of authority or the chance to take on a high-level position in a work environment. No, it was made clear to Jasmine that her purpose in life, for now, was to become the perfect bride, to captivate the heart of an even wealthier and more influential heir to carry on the legacy. She learned this lesson at the young age of eight years old.

Jasmine didn't really seem to mind her 'purpose' though, never once complaining outside of angry comments when in a particularly bad mood. As a young child, she saw it as more of a romantic fantasy, dreaming that one day a Prince would come and sweep her off of her feet. Later though, after maturing somewhat, she began to scoff at her previous childhood notions, realizing that love was only a convenient mean for people to accomplish their different agendas. Either way, she didn't seem to care. Prince or not, it seemed quite certain that she'd be set for life with whatever man might display interest.

It wasn't until she was eleven though that her parents decided she was old enough to begin accepting gentleman callers. In fact, her eligibility as a possible bride was to be announced on what was sure to be a momentous occasion; the wedding of her cousin, the only other Bennett child, despite now being in his mid-twenties, to the daughter of a family that held close personal ties to Jasmine's own. A marriage of convenience; the groom suffered from a learning disability, as well as anger management issues, making him by far the least reputable member of the family, while the bride was absolutely no better, sharing her groom's mental retardation and aggressive tendencies. The two families saw it as a perfect opportunity to pawn off their less desirable members while still keeping their line high-class.

--Living her Greatest Fear--
Seeing the arranged marriage situation at play, Jasmine just wanted to escape in any possible shape or form. One day, while she was doing her routinely chores, she noticed the mail came and there was a letter with her name on it. It was fancy looking with a seal on it and everything. Upon opening it, she learned that she was accepted to a Wizarding school that she never remembered even enrolling in. She could only assume that her parents enrolled her so she confronted them. Of course, they denied enrolling her and told her that schooling was out of the question since she had other priorities to attend to with the family. Her mother sought to purify the family line, claiming that she made a mistake by having children with Jasmine's father who was Half-Blood. It was then that her world crumbled... Hearing that her mother basically thought she was a mistake. In a fit of emotion, Jasmine hurled her mother backward with some bout of magic and her first taste of it.

As Jasmine confronted her father on what she learned, he mustered the willpower to walk away with his beautiful Half-Blood daughter. It saved her from having to be forced into an arranged marriage and gave her the freedom to attend an actual school instead of being spoon-fed everything. Mr. Bennett took Jasmine to Diagon Alley himself to get all the supplies she needed to start her First Year and she was on her way.