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Celeste Green
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
31,7 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Her Birthday is November 7th, 2007. Her favorite color is green. She doesn’t know her biological parents, but she knows their names were Ivan Browning and Angelica Green , they left her in foster care because they were young and irresponsible, at least, that's what her foster parents told her. She loves chocolate and English breakfast but she hates black pudding. She is very ambitious, and is kind and sweet at first glance, but when you really get to know her she is sadistic, and has a sick twisted sense of humor. She likes baking and giving fashion advice, although she isn't very good a either of them, but she is very good at drawing. She is very protective of her close friends, and would literally go to hell and back for one of them. She prefers to wear more masculine clothing and she refuses to wear dresses under any circumstance. She lived in a foster home for most of her young life, which she hated because she didn’t have any friends there and was treated like an outcast for he odd behavior, but even through all that she was always kind to others. Although, she did have one 'friend', but they were rude and took advantage of the kindness she showed to them, because of that she finds it hard to trust others. She then met her bff to this day, Marco when she was 6 in primary school. (Sorry if I am misusing any words, I am from America and I am trying to make this sound British). Her magic first surfaced when she was 8, she was commenting on how Marcos hair would look really good lavender and his hair turned lavender. She felt so bad but he liked it and decided to die it lavender. (Also he couldn’t turn his hair back). They became such good friends and she stayed over at his house so often that his parents decided to adopt her. She felt so glad and she enjoyed living with them. Marcos family includes; his mom, Jay, who is a halfblood witch that works as an auror; his other mom, Leah, who is a Muggle that works as a lawyer; and his younger sister, Ashley, who is a pureblood that is 6 and in primary school who has showed magical talent. Also, I forgot to mention that Marco is a muggle and he is starting secondary school this year. (If it wasn’t already obvious Ashley and Marco are adopted but were adopted at a much younger age). She lives happily in London with her new family and is super excited to be going to Hogwarts.