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Sakura Ito
London, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
26,0 cm redwood and snallygaster heartstring
Sakura Ito was born on April, 7 2008 to her parents Rin and Akira Ito. Living in the residence of Kyoto, Japan, Sakura grew up around her Japanese heritage. Both of her parents grew up in wizarding families and went to school together in the Japanese wizarding school of Mahoutokoro. Sakura grew up as a short adolescent with long dark brown hair. Her eyes are a deep chocolate-like color and her lips are thin and pinkish. Her parents always strive for excellence in their daughter as she was enrolled in a public school in Japan around the age of 5. This may have been the source of Sakura's strong determination. She is always striving for success and is very ambitious. This and her regular schooling helped her discover her interest in the muggle society. Sakura spent much of her childhood in Japan reading up new material and researching muggle inventions. She also had an interest in the study of linguistics and different cultures. Around the age of 7, Sakura was taken out of muggle schooling as her mother was worried of a incidence with her magical powers. Sakura became very shy and to this day can still become uncomfortable in places with large crowds or strangers. Only a few months after being taken out of muggle schooling her father, Akira, was accepted a job in London. Her family then moved away from their home country to live in a completely new environment. Because of this, Sakura started to learn how to speak English. A few days after her tenth birthday, Sakura had her first magical encounter. It was nothing too over dramatic, instead the cupboard in the kitchen holding the dining plates swung open and closed itself in a sequence of four times. Sakura would describe herself as a simplistic and creative person. She enjoys nature and being outside rather than being stuck indoors all the time. She is very introverted and would rather avoid contact with people as this usually results in an awkward conversation. Speaking in front of large groups is also a dreadful fear to her.