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Elsa Veronica Bennett
14 Sep 2008
Ewell, England
Sixth year, Duellist, Gryffindor
24,2 cm blackthorn wood and dragon heartstring
She was simply born like this - smiling and bringing out the best in everyone and everything. Since she was born she has been happy and there is no magic in that because she obviously gets it from her mother who is, most certainly, a Muggle to the bone and very down-to-earth but one of the most cheerful human beings ever brought into this world. She doesn't remember her father too well as he passed away when she was three but she clearly remembers a pair of glasses around kind hazel eyes (just like hers) and a shy smile. Grandma says that she is very much like him in terms of appearance - light brown wavy hair, pretty eyebrows, low-arched and not too thick, not too thin. It is also quite possible that she will be short like him when she grows up because even now she looks a few years younger than she actually is. On the inside she is the absolute opposite of her dad, though. Just like her mother, she always has this sparkle in her eyes that screams I LOVE THIS LIFE, the smallest things excite her more than they should and she is always rushing somewhere, her mind jumping with more and more questions in excitement. Some might find her overfriendly and way too fast for their taste. Besides, she is not afraid of the things normal girls are expected to be afraid of; dark room - okay, let's see what's in there, it ends badly in horror movies but they are just a bunch of lies, a mouse - what an interesting little creature, a boy twice as tall as her - I won't give you my lunch money anyway and I have fists too. That also scares a few people away because non-stereotypical behaviour is hard to understand. Despite of what conclusions can be drawn from the knowledge of her personality, she also adores studying just as much as everything in the world and can talk for hours about this book she read the other day or that museum she went to and where the seventeenth century armour was just as thrilling as the fact that she tripped and almost knocked over a sixteenth century chair so security had to give her mother a warning. She lights up the whole little house she lives in but sometimes even her family finds her tiresome. Her elder sister Lynette who shares the room with her is very reserved and quiet but sometimes even she shoves Nicky out of her room to have some peace. Her squib brother Franklin, on the other hand, loves spending time with his sister although recently he has been trying to focus on his studies - it's the last year of Muggle school for him and he dreams of university and bioengineering in the future. Nicky's grandparents on her father's side also live with them since their son's untimely passing. It's mostly them who noticed the little things that were happening around their granddaughter - a teddy bear floating a couple of inches above the toddler's bed, a silver butterfly flying where a train ticket just was, so the girl was not surprised when the letter from Hogwarts arrived.
Neither was anyone else in her family. Nicky read a few of her father's old school books, thinking where she wanted to be sorted but she really didn't know. Maybe it would be Ravenclaw like for father and Lynette. Although her sister replied to those suggestions something like "you must be joking, it will obviously be Hufflepuff". In the end, no one got it right as she was sorted into Gryffindor. She has no idea what awaits her in her first year at Hogwarts but just as anything else, the uncertainty doesn't scare her because she has never been afraid to trust the world.