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James Coates
Wizard born
Sandford, England
First year, Hufflepuff
20,7 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
My names is James Coates, from England, when I was nine, I figured out that I could do things that aren't possible, one day, a boy named Michael bullied me for my snacks, I was furious that when I thruster my hand for ward to attack him, he flew almost ten feet away from me, I was so surprised that when I told my mum she was really happy for me she told me that I am a wizard, at first, I was confused but she proved her point by saying " a normal person can never perform that" I was feel a bit of excitement and, later on, I received my letter of acceptance to hogwart, I was so happy that I almost ran outside still holding the letter, my mom, Anna Coates, has blonde hair no freckles and looks really pretty, my dad, Alex Coates is fair in complexion, wears glasses, and is really handsome. The next day, my dad took me to Diagon alley to buy my clothes, books and wand and my first thought was I will do everything with magic but my dad told me that I can't use magic outside school. When I get to hogwarts I hope that I become a great seeker and really good at transfiguration and defense against dark art. Looking forward to seeing you professor Solomon.