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Finnian Loud
Wizard born
West Yorkshire, England
First year, Ravenclaw
20,1 cm hornbeam wood and unicorn hair
Finnian Loud

Family Tree:
Mother: Asia Arrowood (Deceased)
Father: Edmund Loud (53 y/o)
(Half) Sisters:
Mary and Nancy: (Twins, 24y/o, Ravenclaw, graduated)
Abigail: (22 y/o, Hufflepuff, graduated)
Morgan: (20 y/o Slytherin, graduated)

Finnian is more on the smaller side when it comes to most 11-year-old boys. He has sandy brown hair that frames his pale face, dark green eyes and freckles that climb up the bridge of his nose. His sisters have even called him goofy looking a few times with his bow-legs and ears that are a bit too large for his head.

He grew up in a smaller wizarding town on the outskirts of London for the first few years of his life. By this time his mother was already remarried to his father and had three young girls. Magic was always very familiar to him, it was only his father who relied on muggle devices, his mother always called it endearing. It wasn’t until Finnian was 5 when he lost his mother to a bad potions accident. They had been fortunate that no one else was in the house during the time of the explosion, but his mother wasn't so lucky. At this time Edmund had no choice but to move his family to the West of Yorkshire and relocate to a muggle village, Haworth. It was here where Finnian lived most of his childhood, adapting well to the muggle lifestyle.

First Magical Happening:
Finnian was 6 years old when his magic first began to surface, he had been in the bath when there was an explosion of bubbles. Suds and water had spilled over the side of the bath and out the door and Finnian’s father still gets a headache when he thinks about the story, Finnian, however, finds the whole thing embarrassing.

It’s not that Finnian doesn’t like the other kids his age; he just seems to have a hard time getting through a conversation. Growing up with three older sisters there was never much room in the conversation for his own opinions, meaning he usually keeps his thoughts to himself. While at home he spends most of his time outside, in the garden or in the woods behind his house, swinging around a wooden sword and pretending to slay giants, it was always giants. He’s quiet and because of that his odd and imaginative behavior can often throw people for a loop.