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Lauren Wheeler
Paddington, England
First year, Hufflepuff
23,8 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Lauren Elisabelle Wheeler
ISTP | Aries | Hufflepuff | Eleven
Favorite Colors: Red, Black, and Gold
Favorite Num: One
Hair: Pale Blonde, Hip-Length
Eyes: Ocean Blue
Traits: Competitive, Creative, Courageous
(somewhat compassionate)

Lauren Wheeler was born in Canada but raised most of her childhood so far in England. Her mother passed away when she born and her family stayed in Canada until her father remarried, in which she moved to England to be close to her family. At first it was a difficult adjustment, having been raised around boys, since it had just been her, her father, and her brother, but it became relatively easy, she just had to avoid her step-family. That became impossible after her stepmother, a squib, found out that Lauren was her a witch because her own children weren't.

Her father is mostly German while her mother had been half-Australian and half-Japanese. That made Lauren a mix of all sorts of stuff but she looks like a regular Caucasian English girl with a hint of Asian in her eyes. Unlike some other girls, she's definitely not petite; Lauren is on the bigger side, relating to her height and build. She stands at roughly five foot one inch and since she participates in soccer and does long distance running, she's toned especially around the legs. She used to go to the gym with her brother a lot so that adds on.

Lauren first discovered she could use magic when she was in the fourth grade. During class her classmates were folding origami and she decided to make a swan. After the the fifteenth attempt she finally made it right and disregarded all the crumbled and ripped papers. But in her excitement her magic had finally decided to show up and suddenly her paper swan was flapping it's wings, flying up into the air.  All of the other kids were amazed, figuring it was some magic trick. Strangely the teacher never saw but that was probably because it stopped less than a minute after it started. Lauren still has the swan, even though it's old and frayed.

Lauren isn't the kindest person in the world, and that's because she doesn't try to be. She's friendly to people who are worth it because she doesn't like when people waste her time. She gets annoyed easily and laces most of her sentences with sarcasm. Those rare moments when she radiates happiness Lauren will be especially generous and thoughtful. Deep down she already is those things but childhood trauma has surpressed those traits, making her into some cute yet dangerous creature most hesitate to touch. Lauren is all very clever, it's just hidden by her impulsive personality, where in quick situations she thinks before she acts.