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Camden Darcy
Glasgow, Scotland
First year, Ravenclaw
27,6 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Camden Darcy was born in Glasgow, Scotland to his mothers, Sophie Morrison Darcy and Amelia Darcy, who were both witches. He does not know, nor does he care to know, who his biological father is. As fast as he learned other things like reading and writing, he struggled to understand social cues and norms. He latched onto his favorite toy, a stuffed bear he called Richard. He would become distraught when Richard was taken away from him or misplaced, starting at a very young age when he was first gifted the bear by his mothers. Despite knowing that it was very likely that Camden would turn out to be a wizard, his mothers wanted him to be a very well-rounded individual, so they elected to send him to muggle primary school. He already knew of the Magical world so he was told by his mothers that he wasn't to talk to any of the non-magical children about the world. Like most things, Camden needed to know why. He hardly ever just took something like 'don't tell the other children about magic' without understanding why. He needed to understand why. He would get incredibly frustrated when he wouldn't understand things, like why the other children acted a certain way and why people stared at his mothers and whispered about them behind his back and other social niceties and norms. He was very quick in school, absorbing knowledge at a rapid pace yet lagging behind his classmates in making friends. He had a very good memory, almost eidetic. His magic finally revealed itself when he was 8 years old at school. He was outside with the other children, where he had brought Richard. A few older children were teasing him and threatening to take the bear until one of the larger children actually did. He pulled Richard from Camden's hands with enough force to pull its arm off. Despite never laying a hand on the older boy, he flew back a few meters and landed on the ground, shaken but unhurt. Amelia was able to reattached Richard's arm without magic, instead using Muggle stitching. She believed that even witches and wizards should know some practical things. Camden remained mostly isolated from his peers, his friends being his two parents and his stuffed bear.