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Edna Selester
Clayton, England
First year, Gryffindor
28,0 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Edna is a bubbly bright girl who stands up for anything she believes in. She is adventurous and mischievous. But she has lots of friends. She is brave and not really scared of anything, except the dark... She loves all animals, especially parrots. She also loves writing, sewing, and knitting. She also has ADHD, but it doesn't affect her too much. She has short raven black hair and royal blue eyes. She is also pretty short herself, still 4' 6" Edna also wears a new scarf every day! Her favorite one is her blue one though. On a casual day, she might wear a t-shirt and shorts, or a hoodie. She comes from a pretty normal family and has a twin named Essa. They also have a dog named Zap who is a black lab. Before she got her letter, Edna had been attending a pretty normal school. She always had trouble with her homework though, specifically math, which Essa helped her with.
Edna's magic first surfaced on her 10th birthday. Her and Essa were throwing a ball back and forth in the yard when Essa threw it too hard and Edna couldn't catch it. The ball should have it her in the face, but it didn't. Both of them were confused and looked at the ball which was now sitting in the middle of them. After Edna got her letter, she and Essa were ecstatic. They had never heard of the school before and were happy one of them had magic and was going to attend!