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Timothy 'Tim' Blaine
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
26,2 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Tim Blaine has lived in London his entire life. His birth parents, whom were aurors, apprehended a dangerous witch in their early years. This woman cursed them both, stating that the first child born of theirs would be terribly cursed. After this incident, she died of unknown causes. The Blaines paid no mind to this dangerous message until after their child had been born. True to the witch's words, trouble seemed to follow the child wherever he went. This led to fear and resentment towards their child, whom they had named Timothy. They spent the first two years of his life going through the motions and adapting to life with a cursed child. However, they were ill=equipped for what exactly the witch's curse meant.
When toddler Tim was two years old, he threw a terrible temper tantrum and shattered every window on their street. Being the first incident of its kind, the wizarding couple lost the feeling of safety in their own home. As a result, his parents sent him into foster care. He bounced home to home for a while, before finally settling in a stable muggle home (around his fourth birthday). During his new life, he was raised as a muggle, with no knowledge of his birth parents or heritage. Unfortunately, he was severely bullied for being weak and small for his age. He never gained any true friends or family, except for his foster dad, of which there was a mutual respect. Trouble still followed him wherever he went, but this time, the muggles chalked it up to bad luck.
However, when he was seven years old, another terrible incident occurred. During a particularly terrible bullying session, he accidentally sent a group of fifth grade tormentors to the ER for severe bloody noses and burst blood vessels. Though the injuries were temporary and non-fatal, the Ministry of Magic kept a close eye on him. His school mates, non understanding magic, feared him. His foster parents began to worry about him greatly, and his foster siblings began to resent him. After a few tense weeks, the Ministry of Magic forced their hand, and he was moved to a new foster home. His new foster home belonged to a half-blood couple. The wife, a wizard who worked for the Ministry, told him of his wizard lineage, and began to teach him methods to calm himself down and keep his magical power to himself.

Tim's magic has a tendency towards destruction, but his personality is quite the opposite. He is very funny and outgoing, and is led to help anyone in need. He doesn't have a very good grip on his magical abilities, so he fears them and uses them as little as he can. Though he doesn't advertise it, he has an excellent memory and a respectable IQ. In harrowing times, he can take control of a situation and lead people. He can get a bit of a temper, but generally remains friendly and approachable. He prides himself in being the absolute king of pranks, and embraces his 'destiny', regardless of school rules. Also, he can be quite stubborn, and has a sort of hero complex. He will always be there for a friend in need, no matter the situation and consequence, and can keep a secret to the grave. He comes off as brave and is not afraid to use his fists, but inside has anxiety issues. Also, he despites being given things in life, and prefers to earn them on his own accord. This is a result of being feared and resented.
However, some bad habits have stuck with him. For instance, he is a very cautious towards new people - occasionally, he can even come across as cold, though he never means it in that way. He thinks out loud, which can annoy people a bit when they're trying to study, and his unconscious magic is a bit out of control. When he's nervous, his index finger impulsively taps, a bad itch he never thought of disciplining. He also has terrible nightmares quite often, and will overwork himself often to feel like he's enough. But no matter, because this results in further control of his magic.

Tim has light brown hair and bright brown eyes. His face sort of smiles at people, even if he's upset. He is skinny, and his skin is pale without blemishes. He is average height, and is slightly underweight, but not because of abusive reasons.

Tim is cursed with the Curse of Mercury. This curse is characterized by destructive magic and typically bad luck. The victim may have as much arcane power as any other wizard his age, but the magic would have a tendency towards destruction. This makes spells harder for the victim to learn, as they would usually blow up in his face or destroy something, depending on the spell. Dark and/or destructive spells would be easier for the victim to learn and cast, and potentially more powerful than his other spells. Trouble and bad luck would seem to follow the victim wherever he were to venture. This would only affect him and his immediate family (parents and siblings). In cases where the victim's family would be affected, they would have had to be in his vicinity for 8 1/2 hours, and the effects would wear off in times varying from 7 - 48 hours. The curse would not affect those around the victim, but it may influence them. For instance, if the victim were to accidentally set a curtain on fire with a misfired Incendio spell due to his bad luck, the fire may affect a bystander. This curse is identified by an tattoo-like M symbol on the victim's collarbone, or in Tim's case, wrist. This is called the Mark of Mercury.
According to legend, this curse was developed by a powerful Roman witch as a means to defeat her greatest enemy. The idea was to curse her enemy, so that his spells would work against him and give her the upper hand. She named her handiwork after her greatest patron - the god Mercury - in hopes that it would honor him. However, when she finally put it to use in a duel, it seemed to be useless, and the witch was defeated in battle. However, several years later, after her adversary gave birth to his first child, the family seemed to be plagued with misfortune and bad luck. It was later discovered that the curse was hereditary, and would affect the firstborn offspring of the cursed directly.
Finding that the witch's curse had some use, the spell was passed through the family. It was rarely used, and only ever spoken about in terms of bluff. This is due to the power it takes to cast the spell, which is too much for a normal person to bear. In cases where it had been used, the caster had either been killed or put into a coma, depending on their ages and state of health. As a result, the curse became more of an urban legend, with only 5 known incidents throughout history.

Overall, Tim is a hard-worker and a loyal friend. Though he has quite a few ghosts in his past, and trouble still follows him wherever he wanders, he still will always try his hardest to be there for his true friends, and be the best wizard he can possibly be.