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Talulah Baines
Caerleon, Wales
First year, Gryffindor
24,7 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
The Baines line is one of great power historically in the wizarding world. While this family tree is home to wizards of all houses, a great number of them ended up in Gryffindor. The second most recent generation of the Baines was a duo of brothers, Donal and Rowan. These two brothers competed throughout their time at Hogwarts, and even post graduation they seemed keen on one-upping one another. Despite their seemingly adversarial relationship, they were always closer than they appeared. When Donal found himself between a rock and a hard place, raising a daughter alone, he was welcome in Rowan’s home to stay for as long as he needed. The brothers’ bond was nigh inseparable.

Which was why it was exceedingly peculiar that Rowan disappeared without informing his brother. It was even more peculiar that he didn’t inform his family, either. At the time, he’d been married to a muggle by the name of Margot Baines, and Thomas was only 7 when his father disappeared. Things were out on the rocks, but Donal was determined to swim over the waves. His stand as a single father, raising a spitfire of a daughter, was quite the struggle. Having to balance her and his work for the ministry, while also bearing the weight of two passing loved ones, to him, was a chore. Thankfully Talulah had her aunt Margot to help with the girly side of things.

Margot Baines was one of Tally’s favorite people. She was technically her aunt, but for all intents and purposes she was more of a mom to her than anything. Growing up, Tally had always wondered why she didn’t have a mom, but it wasn’t until she was eight did Donal finally sit her down and talk to her about it. In the nicest, simplest way he knew how to put it, Donal told his daughter that after college he had fallen in love with a girl named Nita McCall. After moving into a warm, quaint home together, the two found they were pregnant with a little girl.

Tragedy struck when Nita didn’t make it through the birth. It was a home birth, and there had been complications the midwife couldn’t quite work through. Tally had made it, and Donal was thankful for that. He gave the baby girl Nita’s intended name- Talulah - and raised her in Wales with his brother and wife.

Even though a part of Talulah would always wonder about her mother, she was happy with how her life was; and she was so grateful for her aunt Margot. Of course, Margot was a huge part of who Tally was, as she had spent the first nine years of her life with her. Margot was the reason Tally loved art so much, the reason she loved theater and nature and tried to help anybody she could. Her aunt had always taught her to be kind, and help those that needed it, and Tally had always taken that to heart.

But where her aunt had influenced everything that was soft and sweet about her, Donal had been the one to teach Tally how to build herself a backbone. He taught her that it was okay to be nice to people, but never okay to let them treat her poorly.

Thomas Baines may have been her cousin by blood, but he’d always been more like a brother to her than anything. They grew up practically attached at the hip as children, having bike races to see who could get to their friend Sylvie’s house first, or chasing each other around the muddy field behind the Baines household, or pestering the neighbors together. As a child, Tally practically worshiped the ground Tommy walked on; she thought he was the coolest person ever, and even now that they were older she was still very close with him. There were nights Tommy would find himself in Tally’s bedroom when neither of them could sleep, the two of them staring up at the paintings on her ceiling as they talked about everything under the sun. And they looked out for each other, no matter what.

It wasn’t until she was around the age of 9 when she began showing signs of being a witch. Sylvie had come over and the three were playing together when Tally and Sylvie got into a scuffle, Tommy always being the mediator of the group and forced them apart. Margot thought it was best if Sylvie went home, and while the girl was walking towards the front door, Talulah wished she tripped. And the other girl did. The laces of her shoes snaked together, tying the shoes to each other, resulting in her tripping. Everything was brushed off but Talulah felt.. off for the next couple of weeks.