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Mariana Michaelson
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
31,9 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
I am sweet, kind, and caring. I always put others before myself. I have long light brown/dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, slightly tan skin. My magic first surfaced when I was 4 years old. According to my mom, I was sitting at the table, coloring, while she was cooking and turned around to see all my crayons and paper floating around in the air. She wasn't surprised though, since we had a family of witches and wizards living next door. My parents were accountants and made a good amount of money. We moved to London when I was 9 years old due to better job finding there. I was the odd kid out due to my magical abilities so my mom and dad decided it would be best to home school and teach me all I needed to know. We were really happy with our life in London, until I was almost 10 years old. One night when my parents had me stay over at a neighbors while they went out to buy party supplies, it was pouring out and the road was slick and they lost control over the car. I was put into foster care shortly after and have been there ever since, missing my parents. The foster care center is full of many witches and wizards. Some are muggleborn, like me, other s halfblood and halfbreed or squibs.