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Pallas Min
South Korean
Cambridge, England
First year, Slytherin
34,3 cm alder wood and phoenix feather
Pallas was always held to high expectations. Her father is arguably the most talented wizard of his graduating year, and her mother is renowned for her kindness and charisma. Both quickly became prominent figures in the apothecary industry following graduation, and they expect their daughter to follow in their footsteps.
Pallas, however, never felt drawn toward medicine, and instead of studying the human body, she spends her time studying everything outside of it. She enjoys sketching birds and plants, stargazing, exploring the outdoors, and playing the piano.
In perhaps direct contrast to her mother, Pallas is often seen by others as "difficult to approach." Although appearing small in stature and unassuming, she is quick to anger or annoyance, and is willing to pick a fight at the drop of a hat.
Pallas is undoubtedly intelligent, but her parents see the subjects in which she excels as not valuable, and do occasionally feel disappointed in her. This is not due to an intentional dislike of everything Pallas enjoys, but rather a fixed mindset of what they see as the best way for her to succeed.
Pallas' first display of magic appeared when she was seven years old. In an attempt to stop her father from taking her to the dentist, as she climbed in to the back seat and her father started the car, she prevented the car from moving out of what she believed to be "sheer stubbornness." No matter how hard the tires screeched against the asphalt, the car would not budge. Realizing that this was her first sign of magic, Pallas' father gave up and rescheduled the appointment.
Although she was born in Busan, South Korea, the demands of her father's job caused her to move to Cambridge when she was five while her mother remained in Korea.
Pallas is excited to attend Hogwarts, but the overbearing thought of her parents' expectations is ever-present in her mind.