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Alicia Rose
Hampshire, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
27,2 cm hazel wood and phoenix feather

Brief Overview:

Alicia was adopted when she was just a few months old by Julia and Matthew Rose. The orphanage Alicia had stayed in didnt have much infornation on her birth family, only the name of her mother, Marybeth, who had died before being able to give her daughter a name. The orphange had given Alicia the name Elizabeth for the few months she was in their care. When Julia and Matthew adopted Alicia they decided to have her name changed to Alicia, after Julia's mother, and her middle name to Marybeth, after her own mother. Well the rose family stayed in spain for the first two years of Alicia's life Julia and Matthew rose decided to return their small family to england where the rest of their family still lived.

Alicia grew up an only child, Julia and Matthew, though they tried to have a biological child of their own to add to their small happy family, never were able to. Alicia's parents did not hide the fact she was adopted, and even tried to help her find out more information on her birth parents when she had asked about them. Though they hadnt found out more then the first name of Alicia's mother that the orphange had already told them.

Alicia started to learn how to ride horses when she was 7 years old. But she prefered to sneak off and climb up the old elm tree of her family's backyard with her sketchbook and her art supplies to enjoy her two favorite things in life. The outdoors and drawing. It was on one of these climbs that Alicia's magic surfaced. She had been climbing the old elm tree like she had many times before. Her art supplies and her sketch book safely tucked away in her backpack. The wind blowed threw her chocolately mousse colored locks. Causing it to sway around her as if dancing. Then suddenly she heard a crack, and then she felt nothing but the air rushing past her a shriek slipping past her lips. Her dark brown eyes squeezing shut as she braed herself for the harsh impact that never came. instead she landed softly on the grass below as her parents came rushing out of their home in a panic.

Upon news of Alicia's heritage. Things seemed to click into place for her parents. Certain events started to make sence and well they werent thrilled with the idea of a boarding school they also understood its importance. Alicia on the other hand, thought that she, being a witch, was some elaborate joke concocted by her parents. She didnt feel like a witch. Would she have to leave her parents for good? Had Marybeth been a witch as well?

The first time Alicia and her parents stepped into Diagon alley Alicia was in awe. The people dressed so strangely and there was so many strange artifacts on display. It looked like an old heritage village hidden away from the rest of the world but it was also full of magic. Young children around her age were being ushered by their parents from shop to shop to get their school supplies and such. There were shops for everything you could ever imgine and some for things would couldnt imagine. She started to bounce with excitment and nerves. This proved beyond a doubt that she was a witch, that magic was real!

Alicia is slightly short at 4'4 inches. Her mid back lenght hair is a deep moussy chocolate brown complimented by her dark brown, nearly black, eyes. She has a small scar just above her left eye from when her aunts cat got spooked well she was holding her one day and the cat climbed out of Alicia's arms and over her head. It's back paw slipping and catching her just above her eye with its nails.

Brief Look into Alicia's Personality:

Alicia is more at home outside then inside. She loves to draw and climb up trees, but hates thunderstorms and snakes. She likes to draw both from nature and imagination. She is usually a happy bubbly young girl, but doesnt let other kids push her around. She isnt afraid to stand up for whats important to her. Though as a 11 year old girl thats mostly her family, friends and her sketchbook.

Blood status: Half-Blood