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Lili Cooper
Cambridge, England
First year, Hufflepuff
21,4 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Lili was born on January 29th, at 4:23, in Cambridge. She comes from a pure-blood family .

She's got a brother, Dylan and he's 15. Her sister is 18 and her name is Blair.

Lili is a shy person but she loves being with people, even if it's complicated for her sometimes. She likes helping others, she's like the big sister she's never been. She doesn't like unfair situations.

She's got long brown hair and grey eyes. She's also tall for her age.

Like her brother, Lili loves music. She can sing and she plays the piano and the guitar. She plays a lot with him. Like her sister, Lili likes writing.

Lili's family can live with muggle without issues. Her father is a bit uncomfortable but there is no problem. Even if she's a pure-blood, she never thought she was better than the others, no matter what.

She's scared of deep water because one day, when she was little, she was swimming in the ocean when she went too far. She almost drowned and this is a memory engraved in her memory.

Her mother taught her when she was younger, she didn't go to any school.
When she received her application for Hogwarts, she was so happy !

The first time she used magic was when she was five. It was a rainy day and a cat was meowing and wanted to go inside. Lili was in her room and she didn't have the keys. She went downstairs and thought so loudly that the door opened easily.

Later, she would like to be a teacher, maybe a potions teacher, she doesn't really know what to pick but she knows that she loves helping and teaching other people since she's little.

She lives in a big house, in front of a muggle family which has a son, called Thomas. He's the best friend of Lili and actually, her only friend because she stays a lot with her family and there are only two houses where she lives : the Cooper's house and the Smith's house.

At school, Lili is a very good student. She likes learning new things and she can do it very well. She can spend a lot of time by reading some books if she wants to know more about what she's just learned.