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Lilith Wyverstone
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Gryffindor
32,3 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Lilith Wyverstone
Utracht, Netherlands

Lilith is a shy, yet confident and outgoing girl. She stands for what she believes in and doesn't hesitate to step into situations when they're getting out of hand. She can be a little overconfident as well as a little boastful, but all in all, she is very fun to be around.

Lilith is always positive and usually is never in a bad mood. Her straight face may seem a little intimidating or annoyed, but she is just deep in thought! She's not a negative person in any way, so don't be afraid to approach her.

Lilith likes a lot of things. She really enjoys sports just as much as she enjoys sitting down and reading a book late at night. She especially loves mystery or crime novels. You could call her a bookworm, I suppose.

The only thing that Lilith dislikes is bullying or noise. She can't handle loud groups of people or music or anything that sounds as if it's going to burst your eardrums. She likes music, but not when it's at full blast through three giant speakers.

Lilith didn't grow up with everything, but she grew up with enough things to keep her occupied. As a child, she'd mostly hang around the lake behind her house and read a book while listening to music for a good three hours or so straight.

Lilith also grew up with a best friend who was always by her side; her dog, Sasha. Sasha was a big golden retriever, which is sort of where Lilith got her active and happy personality from.

Sasha died when Lilith was six, which was hard for her to go through as she had never been without Sasha, ever. But she had to get over it when her family moved. The move hadn't affected her that much since she didn't have anything to miss other than the lake behind her house.

When Lilith was seven, she had gotten used to all the new things around her. Just a year ago, her family decided to immigrate to Dublin, Ireland. To be honest, they almost didn't make it to Ireland. Lilith's mother had lost her passport while dropping their luggage off and was panicking when it was time to go through security. Luckily, she did find it, in the ladies room, and the Wyverstone's had successfully made it to Ireland. Months later, they officially turned into Irish citizens as well.

At the age of nine, Lilith had discovered her first spark of magic. She had been reading when her book started flying, slammed into a wall, and fell, going back to being a lifeless book. She was surprised and quite shock when it had happened, but then soon realized what it meant and told her parents as soon as she could.

It had been a few weeks after Lilith's 11th birthday when a letter came through the mail, talking about stuff like Hogwarts, magic, and wizards. Her parents knew what it meant while she didn't have a clue. Next thing she knew, she was packed up the next year and boarding a red train called, "The Hogwarts Express".

Before the train left the station, Lilith turned on her heels, bowed, and waved goodbye to her parents. She could see that they were crying tears of joy, waving back and smiling, showing their white teeth. The whistle blew and the train set off.

That is what has happened up until now. Lilith is still pretty nervous about going to Hogwarts, but as long as she doesn't die, she's sure she'll make it through. And that is Lilith Wyverstone.


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