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Miriria Van Art
kizan, Russian Federation
First year, Slytherin
24,9 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Age: 11
Weight: 83 lbs
Height: 4'11
Physical description:
Her hair is very thick and is dyed a silvery mint color. her face is very pale, with pretty rose cheeks and full pink lips.
She had a lovely best friend who was part Veela, and has always lived in her big sisters shadow. Despite being a rich noble of England, was always neglected. Shes lived a isolated life trying to be the perfect child. She was born on a chilly winter night, January 1st, 2008. She has been taught four different languages, including English. Aaron Flynn, is one of her best friends whom she met at the park while she was on the run from her father, she'd seen him a couple times after that and they became very close. She lost contact with the only boy she had ever loved after he had run away embarrassed for saving her from a group of mean boys. Here is what happened:
Miriria was walking along in school, admiring the boy she liked, but because she was nine, all boys thought girls were gross, when suddenly one of the older boys stopped her and wouldn't let her get through. The y circled around her and she started yelling her fingers and eyes glowing a bit. Aaron came to help her and after both of them asked for them to leave, he looked like he was going to turn away, instead he jumped up on one of the boys and held him down long enough for Miriria to take down one of the other boys. she heard screaming, and looked over and Aaron was BURNING one of the boys shoulders. Aaron looked up and saw Miriria, shocked and ran. Miriria tied to call after him saying that she loved him but he was too far by then.
She was horrified but flustered and thankful when she saw Aaron jump on one of the boys and leave a huge burn on his shoulder. her father later caught up with her and she was grounded for years, and resumed home schooling afterwards. Miriria's magic showed up when she was six and got mad, her hands and hair were glowing and she said that she had the right to go out of the house. she is very quick to anger, but often catches herself and apologies. She has a thing for emo boys and vampire novels.