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Daniel Booker
Manchester, England
First year, Slytherin
29,7 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Born the 30th of May, Daniel Booker is the child of two lower-middle class Muggle parents; his mother a charming shopkeeper, and his father a fastidious banker. Despite spending most of his childhood in his mother’s shop surrounded by strangers, Daniel is often shy when you first encounter him. He’s polite yet understated, straightforward in his disinterest or dislikes, and prefers to paint or listen to music than go out with friends or spend the night gossiping. Some may even call him blunt or overly formal, but he is never unkind. Deep down, Daniel can be quite obsessive in whatever thing he happens to be geeking out about at the time (right now, it’s watching stand up comedy: previous obsessions have included The Embernight Trilogy, dancing dog routines, and video game speed-runs), but he rarely if ever will open up about them. More than anything, Daniel values independence over all, and tries to avoid asking for help when he can. There is a great power and a determined individual that lurks just under the surface, waiting to be discovered.

Daniel has always had a weak right eye, but so far has avoided asking for glasses for fear that others may judge or ridicule him. As such, while he has the potential to be a good student, his marks are quite middle of the road and his projects seemingly unimaginative: for him, the real effort is just in getting everything read and completed in time. With the help of glasses or a kind teacher, Daniel could open up to be a very creative student.

Daniel’s first experience with magic was an accident, as it is with many - after unwisely watching a program on plane crashes before bed, 9-year old Daniel spent a restless night drifting between nightmares. When one particularly bad dream threw him awake in the middle of the night, he opened his eyes to see some objects in his room levitating, as if caught in free flight. He was so sure that he was still dreaming that it wasn’t until the second time - when a fight with his mother at the store upset him so much he caused all the crisps packets at the counter to explode after she’d gone in the back - that he believed something was amiss. His Muggle parents are overall extremely puzzled by these odd events, but have yet to realize that their son is the cause of the weird happenings in their lives. He has yet to find a way to tell his parents without it sounding like a young boy’s fantasy, and being treated as younger than his age bothers him more than anything.

Receiving the letter from Hogwarts felt like the first truly extraordinary thing to happen in his life, and though he has little idea of what to expect, Daniel hopes that it will help to improve his shaky confidence. He may even find a friend or two (though he’s not hopeful to find a best friend). He admires the quiet strength of his parents, and hopes one day to open up more so that he can better work in his mom’s shop after school - or so he thinks now.