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Dorothy Clementine
Wizard born
York, England
First year, Slytherin
25,7 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Eleven-year-old Dorothy Clementine is a witch born in York, England where she grew up surrounded by a great garden. One day as she sat in this giant garden as a child, she collected flowers and, at her touch, these flowers glowed rapidly through the hues of the rainbow like bulbs of fairy lights. To muggles, this would have been startling and odd. However, her parents had both attended magical schools (her mother, an American, attended Ilvermorny while her father, an Englishman, attended Hogwarts) and were delighted and supportive to see that their daughter was also a person with magical abilities.

While Dorothy’s father educated from home, she still befriended every neighbor they had, animals and humans.

Dorothy is a soft-spoken girl who is easily impressed as well as easily deceived. She trusts most people and can often be naive because of her desire for close friendships. While she is quite innocent and even a little gullible, she is also loving and caring. She laughs and cries easily and feels things very deeply and this gives her trouble concentrating on homework or other academic tasks at times. She is also very desperate to please people, and she hates confrontation or getting in trouble because of this.

Dorothy enjoys making friends and spoiling said friends with letters, baked goods, and compliments. She loves baking, gardening, and smiling.

She has dark hair that curls at the ends and almond-shaped eyes the color of chestnuts. She has an olive complexion and a sprinkling of freckles under her eyes and across her nose. She wears rounded glasses and has what some might call a dopey smile. Dorothy is small for her age but her heart is big enough for even the meanest of folks.