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Merrick Ritchie
London, England
First year, Slytherin
24,6 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Merrick is quiet but ambitious. He is tidy liking to keep himself neat, perhaps an unusual trait for a 11-year-old boy. He is eager to learn as much about magic as he can. He was unfortunately raised in an orphanage in London and has no knowledge whatsoever of his parents. It is something he one day hopes to address. Growing up he was always patient with the other children around him, but he never had much use for them. They were friendly enough and he was friendly enough in return, but he never seemed to fit in.

Merrick is skinny and pale with dark blonde hair and icy blue eyes.

As mentioned, he grew up in London and it is the only home he has ever known, and it was here where he first discovered his magic. It was when he was sick in bed at the orphanage and had been left alone for a time while the adults in charge of the children dealt with a problem elsewhere in the house. Merrick was bed ridden and currently unable to sleep. Really wanting his only toy, the only thing his parents had ever given him, he looked for it. It was on the dresser across the room. Unable to get up he closed his eyes and futilely reach out to it. When he opened them, it was sitting on his bed within reach. Since then there have been several similar incidents.

When he found out about Hogwarts he was overjoyed and eagerly awaits the chance to attend.