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Logan Stone
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
29,9 cm dogwood wood and phoenix feather
Logan Stone grew up in Cork, Ireland before moving to London when she was seven. She was raised in a magical community in both places so has been surrounded by witches and wizards her whole life. Her family moved to London so that it would be easier for them when she started Hogwarts. She started to show her magical abilities at the age of six but her mother was a pureblood and her father was a muggle-born so they weren't surprised when objects would fly off shelves when she was angry or other similar things. When her family were in Ireland, they lived close to a farm that had magical creatures, so she was raised having an interest in the care of magical creatures and animals in general. She has also been interested in astronomy as her father studied it at Hogwarts and would often teach her about it when she was young. Logan is tall for her age with short blonde hair, grey eyes and (usually) black glasses. She also has a small scar on her jaw from when she fell over while living in Ireland. While Logan can initially seem quiet at first, she is actually a very curious, ambitious, intelligent (if slightly clumsy) young witch. Although she has also been described as sarcastic and sharped witted by her friends and family.