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Ahn Hyeon-min
South Korean
Daegu, Korea South
First year, Ravenclaw
28,3 cm beech wood and dragon heartstring
Hyeon-min, new student to Hogwarts, shows great talent in charms. He's a very open-minded student, and although he's from a different country, he strives to do his best in the language of the natives. He's very easy to befriend, very outgoing, and won't hesitate to do what's right to protect his friends.
While that's said, he also won't hesitate to do what's right, or what won't affect him in the end. He won't partake in dangerous activities, and will always report any mischief he sees, if it could result in the harm of someone else. He does have a sense of humor, however, and can often get behind some friendly, harmless pranks.
He's fluent in English and Korean, and does his best to help out his classmates with schoolwork, teaching them what went wrong, and how to fix it, or how to solve a simple issue. He's a scholar at heart, as well as a calm, kind friend in spirit.
Hyeon-min is short for his age, standing at only 154cm tall. He has black hair, bleached blonde due to personal choice. He has one monolid eye, and one double lid eye, both are dark brown in color.
He grew up in Daegu, and attended the same public school as his childhood friends, of which were practically siblings to him. He moved around the age of nine, to Ireland. He's had a pretty average life, his magic only surfacing at the age of ten, when he caused books to fly off the shelves at his house when he got angry at a rude neighbor.
He often writes to his mother and father, and is very close with them. He often tells of his experiences at school, and describes what it's like living away from his family and home. As much as he misses his family and friends, he enjoys making new friends, and creating new memories. When he goes back home, he intends on taking summer courses in muggle school to learn how to co-exist in both worlds.
He knows that just because he attends Hogwarts doesn't mean he should neglect the necessities, such as basic muggle studies; mathematics, sciences, and language arts. His ultimate goal is to gain knowledge, and to help bridge the gap between muggles and wizards.