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Maya Barnes
Maple, Canada
First year, Gryffindor
35,8 cm willow wood and troll tail hair
I an introvert, loyal, adventurous, and I am bit clumsy. I enjoy reading, playing video games, walking my Beagle named Sparly, and English class. I have brown hair, blue eyes, and I’m 4’5”. My parents are muggles. My dad is a architect and my mother is an engineer. We’ve moved to London from Canada when I was 6. I’ve been attending muggle school until discovered I could do magic. When I was 10 I was playing soccer and the ball almost hit me in the face but it stopped in midair for a split second and dropped to the ground. No one else noticed but me. I brushed it off. Another time I was walking up the stairs and missed a step but when I put out my hands to break my fall I grabbed onto an invisible bar and righted myself. A few months later I received a letter in the mail from Hogwarts. My parents were surprised to find out I was a witch, we had no idea magic even existed. I was so excited to hear that I am a witch and will attend Hogwarts. My school is so boring and I'm looking forward to something new. I'm just nervous about meeting new people, but I will try even if it's out of my comfort zone. I can't wait to see what this new adventure takes me to.