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Joyce Alderson
Oxford, England
First year, Slytherin
35,6 cm chestnut wood and rougarou hair
It’s at the end of the summer during the middle of the twelfth day of September that Joyce saw for the first time the sunlight. She was the third child of the Alderson’s Family. After she was born, there were her identical twin brother/sister named Nephylis and Dean who came five years after her. The two others were older than Joyce. The big sister named Pansy just turned eighteen and graduated from Hogwarts just as her big brother, Orios, who turned twenty and graduated from Hogwarts. All of them had as parents the lovely Kate Alderson and James Alderson. Both were married for now twenty-two years.

Her first accidental magic happened during her fourth anniversary at the Alderson’s manor. Everything took place in the kitchen right before her little birthday party. Joyce, who was very excited to celebrate this wonderful event, asked her mother if she could try her birthday cake before her guests show up. Too busy for preparing the birthday party, Miss Alderson refused with hastiness before leaving her daughter alone in the kitchen. Sadly, Joyce could see the cake under a transparent plastic cover. It was on a worktop and unfortunately, the girl was too short to reach it. More she was looking at the cake and more she wanted it. Her eyes kept their target on sight without losing contact even a second. This cake was hers and she shall have it! In her desire to get her birthday cake, Joyce pushed on her tiptop to try to grow herself but something weird happened. Instead of reaching the cake like she wanted, that was the cake which slides slightly towards her. The problem, Joyce only wanted to have a small bite of her cake and not the whole patisserie but that was too late. The cake slid even more and was on the edge of falling and breaking apart but Joyce realized her mistake too late when the cake landed on her face, covering her entirely of strawberries, whipped cream and vanilla. Obviously, that was at this exact time her parents took the decision to come back in the kitchen. Both of them were horrified to discover what their daughter had done to the cake and he suit. But shortly after the disaster, Miss and Mr. Alderson realized that Joyce’s power awakened otherwise there was no way for her to reach that cake. Her parents wanted to be angry with her but they couldn’t because this birthday has been a historic day for her since that was their daughter’s first magical experience.

Physically speaking, Joyce is not too short nor too tall, let’s say she’s the average size for a teenager. At eleven years old measuring around five feet, it’s slightly taller than the average. Talking about her head, Joyce had a round face with at the top a long and straight dark hair who fell on her shoulder. About her face, her eyes were almond shaped with a blue/green that gave her the sight of a little angel when she was smiling. For clothing, Joyce didn’t really care about what she was wearing if the color matched with the whole suit. Usually it was either all in dark or all in white but sometimes she liked the contrast of dark and white…Of course everything was depending of her mood.

Joyce Alderson is someone who’s not afraid to talk straight forward and tell people what she thinks in front of anyone. No matter if they are student, adult or even professor, she will say what comes through her mind and this behavior will bring her prejudice later. She is ambitious, arrogant and will not hesitate to crush anyone who will stand between her and what she desires. Her parents taught her how to live as a winner, therefore they made her believe that she was destined for greatness.