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Judith Craiter
Wizard born
New Zealander
Rogiet, Wales
First year, Ravenclaw
27,4 cm willow wood and phoenix feather

Judith is a dreamer. Everything she wants to do she will strive for, even if the odds are all against her. Generally friendly, she treats people how she would want to be treated, which depends on what vibe she gets from them. She hates lies with a passion, even little ones that mean next to nothing. She wants to understand the world around her better and can't very well go on doing so if she's being deceived left and right. She chooses certain levels of trust depending on the vibe she gets off people. Judith is a very patient person; she isn't too lazy to do her own research and find out things in her own. She sticks to her own opinions until she's proved otherwise, even if that means straying from the norm or parting ways. The oddest thing one would find about Judith is the way she interacts with others but that's left to be judged.

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Her appearance varies, since she likes to change it ever so often, but before coming to Hogwarts Judith decided to take on a 'natural' look. That would mean leaving her  hair black as a raven and short, only several centimeters pass her chin. Her eyes are dark brown and upturned, somewhat cat-like. Her skin is pinkish-white and light, strangely soft as a feather. She owns a birthmark on her right arm, a small blob darker than her skin that lives on the inside of her elbow. Judith is a tall, strong girl used to taking care of herself in fights, leaving her with a bunch of 'battle' scars. Her hands are calloused from execessive hard work at her father's farm, which also gives her tight muscles and thick skin. Judith is on the thin side, having a high metabolism. She eats a lot but people still remember her as a twig.

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Judith was a born in New Zealand to a woman with a man she didn't love, soon finding out that she had a daughter she didn't want. She abandoned her in the wild, expecting for her to die. Whether it was by luck or fate that she was found by hikers who brought her to the authorities, who set her up in foster care. She went to and from homes, the families thinking of her as strange because there seemed to be something different about her everyday and how she did things she couldn't comprehend. Obviously during this time her magic manifested, starting when she meant to flee to safety from a dog but ended up leaping across the street into her neighbor's yard. In the end there was always something to love and something to hate about her situations so she tolerated them each time instead of running away.

Eventually she found someone to stay with, a breeder named Keith Craiter who got along well with her. It sparked a new chapter in her life where she moved from her home country to the United Kingdom, where her new father lived with his sister Annelise and her daughter Fiona in their farmland. Her father is a creature breeder, specializing, though not solely, in those of magic. Her aunt is a dragonologist and her daughter is her apprentice, though she is practicing to be a Hit-Wizard. Judith herself is interested in astronomy.
