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Keiran Mortensen
Portrush, Ireland
First year, Ravenclaw
32,9 cm cherry wood and white river monster spine
Keiran Mortensen was born in the blistering heat of June in the heart of Portrush, Ireland to Aina and Liam, and they knew from birth that she was going to make a name for herself when she was older. She was the youngest of three, her older brother Eliot and older sister, Edith tortured her throughout her childhood. Picking on her since she always stood the shortest compared to everyone else, even through grade school she was the shortest. Keiran was tiny, in height and in her body structure. Gangly was one word kids would call her. But her bright red hair and feisty personality made up for it. Plus her father refused to let his children get teased. The Mortensen family was strong, not weak. They all, including Keiran, were known for their bright red hair and porecelain skin. Her siblings went to Hogwarts before her, and they were both sorted into Gryffindor. But Keiran knew she was different, she valued books and knowledge. She wasn't the type to run head first into something without a well thought out plan. Power of knowledge is what she wanted, she wanted to learn everything when it was her given opportunity to go to Hogwarts.

Her parents were pretty open about the magic thing, her mother even used magic to keep the house squeaky clean so Keiran was very impatient when she didn't have her abilities yet. Her siblings got theirs rather early and she was stuck, a lonely late bloomer. But eventually they came one day, a few days after her tenth birthday some stupid kids in their neighborhood was picking on her. Asking if she had a soul since apparently muggles thought gingers had no souls, where they heard that Keiran would never know. But honestly, she probably wouldn't care. Muggles never fascinated her, she was rather infuriated with them and their stupid myths and not the facts. The muggle children were infuriating her, which it pushed her to the brink of turning their hair the same bright shade as hers. They even blossomed more when her siblings would tease her when they were home and she would send plates flying across the room. From that moment on her mother knew that she'd need to guide her daughter in the right direction. Aina didn't want Keiran getting in touch with her abilities through anger.

The time came, at the solid age of eleven, her letter had arrived and it was now her chance to prove herself, read every book she could get ahold of, and control her abilities without getting angry.