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Ryoko Ryuujin
Wizard born
Cambridge, England
First year, Hufflepuff
24,1 cm holly wood and thunderbird tail feather
Ryoko is quiet, but not shy. She speaks softly, so in conversations, her voice is not often heard unless it is one-on-one, and people often have mistaken her as introverted.

Ryoko is a Japanese girl with long black hair that she either keeps in a loose ponytail or leaves down. She has grey eyes and a pale complexion. For an eleven-year-old, she is average in height and weight.

For the first four years of her life, she lived in Japan with her parents and her older brother. When her father died, however, her mother decided that she wouldn't be able to support all three of them and sent Ryoko and her brother to America, where a rich family relative lived. There, they were both able to receive an education.

This was where her magic surfaced. When she was nine she was on a nature walk with her school when the sky suddenly became grey. There was a huge storm and the class ran to seek shelter. Throughout this chaos, she got lost and this was where her magic appeared to protect her, it bent the rain and wind around her to keep her safe.

Because she had never heard of this happening before, she went back to Japan to seek out answers. She found her mother who told Ryoko something about magic, but at that point, her mother was delusional and not very clear.

What she could gather from her muttering was that her parents had hidden the fact that she was magical because they had trouble with magic in the past and wanted to live a normal life, but it was inevitable that she would find out one day. She also found out that her brother, who was adopted, was "muggle-born" and also that she could find more answers in England.

To obtain more information, she travelled to Cambridge and lived there for two years with another family member. When she turned eleven, a representative from Hogwarts confronted her, and she got an invitation to attend the school.