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Beatrice Codde
Harrogate, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,2 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
March 22nd 2008

First-year Hufflepuff
Beatrice A. was the first birthing of Elisabeth and Harvey T. Codde. Arriving on the 22nd March 2008, she joined a reasonably middle-class family with a healthy income. Harvey Thomas Codde was a civil servant, working in a government-run organisation, whereas her mother - Elisabeth Codde - ran her own floristry company in their hometown, within the northern city of Harrogate.

Her childhood was easy-going, attending nursery alongside her two siblings - her fraternal twin Elodie F. and her younger brother Thomas G. - soon progressed to joing infantry school, where she learnt and thrived with interest in physical sports and historical studies - of which they both did very little.

Alike her twin, she has a fairly light complexion from a lack of sun exposure, also with a head of light-medium brown curls which flock around her shoulders. With slightly impaired vision, Beatrice is the only twin which has to wear glasses - lightly rimmed brown frames that she uses during reading activities. Her stature is limber, but not thin, and her height clocks in at around five foot four inches. She has a reasonable and healthy weight, slightly above the suggested for her height and age.

However, she found her first magical occurrences in repairing broken goods - she remembers it very precisely. On an early October evening, when she was only six years old, she and Elodie had been jostling in the living-room room of their family town-house. For many hours they'd been laughing and playing, pretending to be royalty, princesses and the like. But as the evening drew to a close, Beatrice had picked up a glass of the mantlepiece - a glass she had know very well to be her mother and her father's anniversary present from her grandparents. Not soon after she had lifted the glass to her lips to take an elegant sip of imaginary substance, she had found herself backing into her sister. In synchronism, the two had tumbled to the floor, watching in awe as the glossy chalace soared towards the floor. Into shards, it shattered. Memories lay sprawled over the floor. Anxious footsteps and questioning had sounded from the dining room - but when her parents had appeared and the apologies had begun, she was met with confused faces. Sure enough, the glass, of which the two had seen disintergrate into fragments, was sitting pretty upon the ledge. With curious looks, the two were sent to retire to bed early. Elodie and Beatrice, both awe-struck and confused, ceased to mention the event until Beatrice was invited to Hogwarts.