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Bree Oliver
Toulouse, France
First year, Ravenclaw
31,6 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Hi, my name's Bree! I don't really like these kinds of activities because talking about myself is incredibly nervewracking. I guess I should just say that I love learning and am genuinely excited to start my years at Hogwarts. Being a hardworking student, I tend to spend most of my time in my bed researching, or writing, which usually leaves me little time to be social. I'm hoping that will change here. I'm not sure what I'm looking for - friendship? knowledge? a better handle on the wizarding world? But whatever it is I'm sure I'll find it in the company of such a wonderful school.

I like to think I'm friendly, but I think I can come off as "too much" a lot of the time just because, when I'm excited about something I genuinely am. I get passionate about things really quickly whether it be new studies, new friends, or just a new idea. The thing I enjoy most is reading - I could spend all day curled up with a book, I like being swept away in whatever world the author creates. It's its own kind of magic, you know? While I'm not the most physically active, I always did enjoy playing quidditch with my sister and hope to at least try out for my house's team. I'm a pretty good seeker, if I do say so.

I grew up in Toulouse to a muggle father and a witch mother. He was always really in awe of her abilities and encouraged them in the house. I always remember something moving on its own.. In that way, magic came easily to me - mom said my mobile was always turning to my fingers. I can't do anything yet, but I can feel it in my skin, like something wants to come out of me and into the world. I know my little sister, Ellie does too, nothings really happened to her yet but, I really hope it does. Mom would be so happy if both of us were witches.
Although magic was present in my house, I just lived a pretty normal muggle life. My mom is from London so she made muggle friends in France - muggle school was always a breeze for me, I just love learning. But because of this, all my friends are muggles and my only real connection is my mom. I'm not sure how I can fit in in a school of all wizards since I've never had to do that. I really like muggles, but I also need to know more about this part of my life.