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Alice Greenwood
Wizard born
Wolverhampton, England
First year, Hufflepuff
34,7 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
~ General ~

Last name : Greenwood
Given name : Alice
Middle name(s) : Edythe, Juniper
Date of Birth : July 28th  2008
Hair : Black, cut short, never stays in place
Eyes : Large, dark brown
Nose : Small and round, a bit rolled up
Size : 1m53
Weight : 38kg
~ History ~

    Alice has always been extroverted, hating loneliness, clinging to the slightest hint of friendship and doing her best to fill up conversations. A passionate violist since the 1st grade, Olive takes Mr. Dee on any trip.

    As soon as the girl discovered reading, she begged her mother to buy her books from her list. Her father had made a small shelf for the mounds of books constantly growing every Christmas and birthday, then had to enlarge it again and again until giving up and simply nailing four rows of planks parallel to the wall all around his daughter's bedroom, which now looked like a miniature library.

    The Greenwood family is made up of four members, Mr and Mrs Greenwood, Olive, and Gaspard the dog. A small Cairn Terrier of 3 years and a few months, in lack of permanent affection, professional opera singer.

    The young witch was raised surrounded by muggles but aware of magic. Seeing that their daughter was becoming unbearable if not paid attention to, Charles and Alix - Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood - decided to send her to school. Olive was thrilled at the idea of being able to talk to children of her age all day long. The first day of school, she did not lose a moment and began to chat with the first person within reach, a girl with brown hair, named Lucie.

    Days passed and the two new friends were soon joined by three new arrivals, Capucine, Antoine and Marie. In the last summer before her going Hogwarts, Alice had to announce her departure, supposedly for a private school in London. Her litle group would be missed but she was most eager to finally discover this famous school of witchcraft and meet the students. She did not care about her future sorting house, her mother had been sent to Ravenclaw and her father to Gryffindor with his twin sister. Olive was especially excited to go to class and use her wand but most of all, to make new friends, more like her.


~ The Discovery of M&M ~

(Music and Magic of course)


     One particularly cloudy Thursday morning of Winter, a special event took place at the Castlecroft Primary School of Wolverhampton. The Nathan Rose Music shool had been invited to introduce music and varipus instruments to the children and families with a whole day of games and instrument tryouts.

     As Alice and her parents walked through the many activities, they came across a group of older siblings  - come to see out of obligation -  snickering and pointings at a poor viola player about their age whose music sheets kept flying into his face. Suddenly, a miniature whirlwind formed right above the disdainful troup soon followed by rain falling from seemingly nowhere as they started yelling and running.  Alice approached the boy, not aware of the strange commotion or her parents' staring, and helped him pin the sheets down.

     As she asked a few questions and complimented his music, she became more and more aware of a long grey box in a corner of the stand. She asked the boy - Lucas, she learned - about it. It was his old viola, now too small for his long arms, his parents had told him to either sell it or throw it away. Alice ran up to her parents and pleaded for it - not very long - before running back up to Lucas - who towered at least two heads above her - and handing him the cash as he grabbed the used but solid container.

    Now, everyday since that day, you can hear, comming from the wide open window of the number 7, Park Avenue nice little house, the  sometimes ear-wrecking music of Alice Greenwood and Gaspard the most talented - at crying for attention - dog of all times.

~ The End, For Now ~