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Leilani Lukela
Aberdeen, England
First year, Hufflepuff
23,1 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring

Leilani Lukela is 11 years old. She was born at Aberdeen Regional on May 9th, 2008. She has long, wavy brown hair and deep brown eyes that shine like honey in the sunlight. She is usually seen sporting a colorful, floral dress.


Leilani is very curious, like many children her age. As well as highly skeptical and can be quite challenging when she wants. Honesty, fairness, and empathy are three values she constantly tries to adhere to.


Leilani is technically muggle-born, as both her parents are non-wizard. However she does have magic in her blood. Her father, Lei Lukela, moved from Hawaii to marry her mother, Marie Lukela, whom she met on a work trip. Her grandmother Alani Lukela moved with him not very long after Leilani was born. Alani is a very old witch herself, with many magic family members still residing in Hawaii.


Leilani comes from a family that is full of witches and wizards. That’s what her grandma always told her, at least. Yet Leilani was skeptical, still listening in, fascinated by the mystical world her idol painted.

“At night, when the moon shone high, I’d go out into the orchard and run with the foxes,” Each line in her face appeared to turn upward at the memory. “You see, our family Aumākua is the ‘alopeke. Each Lukela holds the spirit of a red fox.”

Moments like this were rare, her grandmother was old and as time passed she told less and less of her stories. A gentle creak of her chair, followed by a troubled snore, that’s all she could get for now. As time went on Leilani became more curious, hoping for information regarding her family.

So far, if her grandma was being absolutely honest, she is able to deduce the following. Leilani comes from a line of ancient Hawaiian healers. There is a lot of significance in the red fox, her ancestors worshipped them as gods.

That’s all she knew, so she asked her mother for more about their family. “Listening to tutu’s crazy stories again? Lei, you shouldn’t believe them. Grandma is getting old, and can’t remember things the way they were.” This upset Lei deeply. /Especially/ considering the fact that she had been having strange, vivid dreams of foxes that felt more and more real.

That, and all of the spooky things that keep happening. Rather, the spooky things that she’s been able to do. Leilani winced, her mother just couldn’t feel what Lei was feeling. “I just don’t understand. I can’t be the only one who believes her!”

And in a fit of anger, she stormed to her room slamming the door behind her. A great rumble and the sound of glass popping, followed a blinding blackness filled Lei’s dining room. Her mother gasped. “Must have been a power surge! Just in time for someone’s temper tantrum, too”

As time rolls by however, the overwhelming number of power surges was beginning to seem it had no explanation. Until Leilani’s 11th birthday, when everything finally started to make sense.