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Demeigh Rosario-Masters
Liverpool, England
First year, Ravenclaw
22,4 cm rosewood and snallygaster heartstring
defensive | indefatigable | meticulous
judgemental | overthinker | perfectionist

Demeigh Catherine Rosario-Masters is a young witch who was born in Melbourne, Australia on the seventh of September. Her father is unknown but her mother, a muggle, raised her like any other child, minus the magic. She went to daycare, became familiar with technology, and begsn to grow up like any other Generation Z kid...until her mother fell in love.

Her mother had her when she was a teenager and struggled supporting herself and her child. Sometimes they lived in a car and sometimes they didn't have food. Demeigh had to learn to fend for herself most of the time, since her mother resorted to drinking and chose to forget about her problems instead of fighting against them. Boyfriends, family, and friends came and went, some helping and some causing even more problems for her mother, who she loves dearly and wants the best for.

At school Demeigh chose not to show signs of family issues and did her best in school. She wanted to make her mother happy, doing well in school and be renown for how diligent and patient she was. She helped everyone she could, which was usually just classmates since she stayed home most of them balancing between school work and taking care of her mother.

Demeigh doesn't have a real mean bone in her body. Everything she does is for good reason, and the only person she's ever yelled at was herself, in those dark moments when she felt like no one else could hear, or would hear. Someone once told her, a stranger, that good things come in time and little girls like her must be patient. So she learned to keep calm in stressful situations, which surprisingly came easy for her. She found things to keep her distracted from negativity, like playing soccer, making delicious food at home, and creating music that she never wished for anyone but the night to hear. Demeigh also learned that she had a strange power inside her that she couldn't even share to her own mother about, out of dear of being reprihended.

When she was nine years old she finally convinced her mother enough to apply for a higher-paying job, where she met someone who she married less than a year later. The man happened to be a Squib named Raphael Masters who soon found out that he had a magical girl in hand after a strange incident occured.

When she was seven years old Demeigh was finally unhinged by one of her step-sisters, Marisole, who grew annoyed so much about being ignored by her that she openly insulted Demeigh's mother at the dinner table. Her rage was so uncharacteristic, compared to the usually gentle and logical young lady. She screamed at her older sister and caused all the glass nearby to shatter and the objects to rocket in different directions. Her family was left shocked and terrified...except for strangely her stepfather.

Instead of avoiding her out of fear, like everyone else, even her mother, Raphael took her to the side and had a very long conversation with her. In that talk he told her about the wizarding world and everything in it, about how the world wasn't at all what it seemed. So many things were hidden from muggle eyes, things she couldn't imagine. Demeigh was left both excited and scared herself; her entire world turned upside down.

This new thing to worry about effected her academically, and of course her teacher noticed. Her parents both agreed that she should try to go to a school for people more like her, one with wizards and witches. Her stepfather was of magic blood he couldn't use any for it himself. He turned towards to a muggle life since it was easier to live but he knew enough about the wizarding community that he decided that Hogwarts, a famous and renowned school for witchcraft, was one of the best for any student who could weild magic.

They moved to England, residing in Liverpool where relatives of Raphael lived. They happened to be fully magical and taught Demeigh what her stepfather couldn't. It was a huge change for her, a big step from her usual life which had been so simple just a year before. Now she had to hide her powers and pretend to be something she had always thought she was, a regular human girl who had began to think that magic really wasn't real. Now she was taught that it filled her reality.

She began studying for the two years before she was eligible for Hogwarts, having a birthday after the school year started. She attended homeschool with other kids her age and studied under an elderly witch. She felt like she didn't belong though she looked normal enough.

Demeigh looks almost nothing like her mother, nor her stepfather, of course, which is why most people tend to think she's adopted or a cousin. Her mother had very short, curly hair brown hair while she had long and straight brown hair. She had jet black eyes, opposite of her mother's hazel ones. They're both on the tall side, Demeigh already four feet eleven, and she had an average build, not too thin or wide, though her long legs make her look both taller and skinner. She inherits her clear skin from her mother but other than that they differentiate, she having a pigment closer to fair while her mother's is closer to brown.

Although her mother has no idea of the whereabouts of Demeigh's father she does know that he was an American with blonde hair and extremely dark eyes who traveled for business purposes often. Her mother was born in Australia but has family origins in Puerto Rico.

Demeigh Rosario-Masters went through many struggles that no child should have had to go through but they made her into the responsible young girl she is now, someone to admire and look for in friend. She inspires to be something great when she grows up, though she's not entirely sure what yet, since her ideas where disheveled by the event of finding out that she was witch. For now she intends to do well in this new environment, both academically and culturally.

( Hi, I saw your message but I couldn't reply back. My friend signed up for this website on my computer a while ago and went back on it yesterday or the day before and I decided to join, too. We're not the same person. )